The Moment I Knew

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~~Alec's p.o.v.~~

The moment I knew I couldn't live without him in my life was the day I vowed to myself that I would never leave him. Magnus Bane is the only reason I have to live. He is the light to my darkness, the yin to my yang. He's the Jekyll to my Hyde. And I am his.

It was a warm summer day when I realized this. Magnus had just woken up and started making breakfast for us. He knew that I had a hard day demon hunting. I got back to the loft at about three in the morning and Magnus was already asleep. So he let me catch up the sleep that I missed.

It was about eleven thirty before I wandered into the kitchen. "How did you sleep darling?" Magnus asked.

"Good, what's for breakfast?" I replied in a groggy voice.

"Chocolate-chip pancakes, and when you're finished I need you to get ready to go out. I have something special planned." He said and walked up to me and nibbled on my ear. I yelped in surprise and he ran away to our room to get ready.

A few hours later both of us were ready and headed to Takis for a date. We hailed a cab and told the driver where we needed to go. Then sat back and held each others hands.

When we got to Takis we were greeted by Kaelie. "Hey guys, how are my favorite customers?"

"We're fine, and it's nice to see you too." Magnus replied. We were led to our table and handed a menu.

Both Magnus and I ordered blueberry pancakes and whip cream. When we got our food we thanked Kaelie and dug in.

About halfway through the meal I got a phone call. I gave Magnus an apologetic look, and answered it. "Hello"

"Alec, we need you and Magnus to come to the institute. We need Magnus to make a portal to Idris. Sebastian is attacking the City!" Jace said in an urgent tone.

"Ok, we'll be right over." I replied then hung up. I looked at Magnus, all the blood draining from my face. "Magnus, we need to leave now. Sebastian is attacking Idris."

He paled and looked at me with wide eyes. "We need you to make a portal to get us there."

"Alright, but I'm going with you. I can help."

"No Magnus! I will not put you in danger like that."

"Well I'm going whether you like it or not! I will not stay here not knowing whether you're dead or alive!" He said. I could see that his eyes were watering. And he was about to cry.

"Fine Magnus" I gave in "But I want you to be careful, and stay by my side."

We rushed to the institute and Magnus made the portal. All of us were carrying multiple weapons, including Magnus.

We stepped into the portal and teleported to Idris. It was a little disorienting, and made me a little lightheaded. But that all changed when I took in the sight in front of me.

Demons were everywhere, people were running trying to get to the Accords Hall. Others staying to fight, protecting their city. Their home.

We all rushed into battle. Magnus beside me like he promised. Three Raum demons came after me, and I was separated from Magnus.

I grabbed my Seraph blade saying 'Michael' so it extended. The first demon tried to stab me with his tail. I barely dodged it, just missing the poisonous stingers. Leaping over it, I stabbed it right in the heart. Killing it within seconds. The second demon tried scratching me. I dodged and tried to stab it. It dodged the attack then quickly jumped in to strike.

That was its mistake. I took that chance to attack and killed it too. The third demon was harder to kill then the others. It kept dodging my attacks while I did the same to the demons. I finally killed it by back-flipping over the demon and impaling it. I ran the blade down its back, then twisted.

Demons kept surrounding me. And I killed them one by one. Adrenaline rushed through me as I killed each one. By the time I killed them all, it had been at least been two hours.

I turned around only to see Magnus impaled in the stomach by a Raum demons tail. "Magnus!" I said as I rushed to him. I killed the demon and knelt down next to Magnus. Tears were streaking down my face, as I held him to me.

"I'm so sorry Magnus, I should have protected you." I said sobbing. The battle was over, and the ward's were back up. Picking Magnus up Bridal style, I rushed him to the infirmary at the Accords Hall. Running as fast as I could, I made it there within five minutes.

Putting him on one of the beds, I called a Silent Brother. Brother Zachariah was here within minutes. 'Whats wrong?' He said telepathically.

"Please help him!" I said desperately. "He's was stabbed by a Raum Demon!"  Zachariah walked over to him and examined the wound. He removed the stinger, then made a poultice to cover the wound. Brother Zachariah then wrapped the wound in gauze and bandages.

'He'll heal better when he gains enough energy to heal himself.' He said, then left. I laid down in the bed carefully trying not to hurt Magnus. I brought his head to my chest, so he could listen to my heartbeat as he was unconscious.
It's been about three weeks since he was hurt. Three weeks that I haven't been able to talk to my beloved Magnus. I've been by his side the entire time. We moved him to the institute's infirmary about a week ago.

Magnus is perfectly healthy physically. And has been stuck in a coma since the accident happened. The Silent Brothers aren't sure when he is going to wake up if he wakes up.

I was on his bed laying with my head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat to assure me he was alive. My eyelids started to get heavy as I was slowly losing consciousness. Before falling asleep I vowed to myself that If he made it through this to never leave him. I now know that I can't live without him, and I never want to.

I woke up to fingers running through my hair. "Magnus?" I asked groggily.

"Yes dear, it's me." He said and I shot my head up and hugged him.

 "I thought you weren't going to make it!" I cried, and started sobbing. I looked into his eyes "You've been in a coma for three weeks Magnus. I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up." He held me as I sobbed into his shirt.

"It's okay, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He cooed in my ear as he rubbed circles on my back soothingly.

When my sobs quieted down to silent crying. I finally trusted myself to speak. "I'm so sorry, this was all my fault. If I had just protected you, none of this would have happened."

"Shhh darling, none of what happened was your fault. We were separated, and I ran out of enough energy to use my magic." He explained. I nodded my head but was still blaming myself for what happened. "Alec darling, stop blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault. And don't even think about denying it, I know you too well."

"I know, but I just can't help it. I can't lose you, I would rather die. I need you Magnus. You are the light to my dark, the yin to my yang. The Jekyll to my Hyde. You are my soul mate, my one true love. If I lose you, I might as well not exist."

Tears were running down his cheeks and I kissed them off. Tasting the salty tears, fresh from his eyes. Then I attacked his mouth kissing him passionately. 

I will never forget that day four years ago when I realized I couldn't live without my husband. I'm pretty sure he came to the same conclusion too. Because he proposed to me two years later. He found a potion for me that would make me immortal like him. We adopted two children. One a Warlock like Magnus and the other a Shadowhunter like me. Forever and always my love, I will always love you.


Hey guys! Umm, this is a one-shot I entered in a contest, but I changed it up a little bit so that it was a little better. I hope you like it and remember to vote and comment. Any requests would be helpful and will most likely be used. Anyway that's it, bye guys! *gets glitter bombed by Magnus*

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