Pregnant Part 2

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~~~Magnus' p.o.v.~~~

Ughhh, being pregnant is annoying. I wake up every morning with morning sickness. One minute I'm completely happy, then the next I'm about to murder someone. And I can't fit in any of my clothes. I also have some really weird cravings. Like pickles and mustard. Mmmm, yummy.

Right now I'm about 7 1/2 months pregnant. Alec and I were currently sitting in the living room. We were snuggling up against each other with both of our hands on my stomach. "What gender do you think our baby's going to be?" Alec suddenly asked.

We've decided to keep the baby's gender a surprise. "I don't really care. As long as I have the baby with you that's all that matters." He smiled and gave me a kiss that I gladly returned. It turned into a heated make out session, but I broke away first needing to breath. Stupid pregnancy. I can't kiss my husband for as long as I used to.


I am now 9 months pregnant and the baby is due any day now. Alec has been so supportive throughout this entire thing. I really don't deserve such a good boyfriend. Boyfriend. That word bothers me now that I'm pregnant. I think we should be something more. Well, I guess I'll have to change that soon.

I'm stuck in bed because my ankles are too swollen to walk. I mean, I know the baby was going to be heavy to carry around. But I didn't know it was going to be this heavy. Alec was cuddled up to me asleep and he looked so adorable. Suddenly a sharp pain wracked my stomach and I cried out.

Alec immediately woke up "What's wrong baby, are you alright." he asked frantically. I had to grit my teeth until the pain passed. Shit, I'm going into labor.

"Alec, The baby's coming!" I said, another contraction hitting me. "Call, Caterina!" He grabbed his phone off of the nightstand and called her.

As soon as she picked up Alec frantically explained what was going on. "Cat, the baby's coming!!" She said something to him then he hung up. "She said she'll be here right away!" he said as he held me. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it every time I had a contraction.

Caterina came about five minutes later and started ordering Alec around. "Alec get a cloth and a tub of warm water. I'll also need a towel and a blanket." Alec got everything she needed and came back. He came over to me and grabbed my hand.

Caterina propped my leg's up. I felt like I was giving birth. Oh, wait I was! "Magnus I'm going to need you to push soon." When she told me to push I pushed with all my might. "Alright, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7." As soon as she said that I stopped pushing. I've only pushed once so far and I was already getting tired.

About 45 minutes later they started to see something. "Magnus just a little bit longer! I see the head!"

I gave one more good push "Ahhhhhhh" I shouted in pain. And then I heard the baby's cry. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. "Congratulations, It's a boy!" She wrapped him in the blanket and handed him to me. A few tears escaped but I didn't care. Our beautiful child is now in this world. "What are you going to name him?" Caterina asked.

"Caden Michael Lightwood-Bane" I looked at Alec and he was smiling from ear to ear. Caden was beautiful. He had my cat eyes except they were the shade of Alec's eyes. And he had both of our Raven Black hair, and some wings as his warlock mark.

I was exhausted from giving birth. I never want to do it again. "I'll leave you guys to sleep and spend time with your baby." Caterina said and she walked out smiling. My eyes started drooping and Alec and I were falling asleep with Caden cuddled up to us. I was almost asleep before I heard "I love you" from Alec.

"I love you too." And with that we fell asleep with our baby.


Okay, I hope you guys liked it. I'm thinking about turning this one shot into an actual story. So if you could comment what you think about that would be awesome! Remember to vote and comment. And please give me any suggestions you have. They would be really helpful. That's it, bye guys! *goes to collect souls*

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