He's Gone Part 3 ~ Conclusion to He's Gone

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~~~Magnus' p.o.v.~~~

"Andy Biersack?!?" I said surprised.

Why was he here? Wait, he was the person that kidnapped us?!? As if Alec heard my thoughts he voiced them as his own. "Wait, you were the ones that kidnapped us? Why?"

"Listen, I'm not the one that kidnapped you," he answered. "I'm the person saving you." he paused then started looking around. As if looking to see if anyone else was around. "The people who kidnapped you, they're called F.E.A.R. It stands for 'For Every and All Religion'. 

They try and control everything and everyone. And they pretty much brainwashed everyone else. Well, everyone they can use. F.E.A.R. destroys free will and everyone who is different. Exterminating their creative side and making them exactly like them."

"Wait, so these F.E.A.R. people kidnapped us to use us and make us their slaves. Then you just showed up out of nowhere and saved us? I'm sorry, but I don't exactly believe this." I said doubtingly. 

"Listen, I am the Prophet. The other members of my band are CC  the Destroyer, Jinxx the Mystic, Jake Pitts the Mourner, and Ashley Purdy the Deviant. Together we are The Wild Ones. We are trying to destroy F.E.A.R. and what they stand for. They do not belong in this world, and we are making sure that they don't exist in it anymore. That is who we are and what we are doing. Believe it or not if you want to, but we are going to get you back to your family and friends. I give you my word." Andy said as he turned around and started to walk back to his camel.

Alec and I chased after him, not wanting to be left alone in the middle of the desert. Whether he was here to save us or not we believed him. Not only because he was convincing, but also because he's hot as fuck. But don't tell Alec I said that. 

We caught up to Andy quickly and walked next to him. "Um, can you untie our hands now? Preferably mine so I can worry about Alec and magic up some food and water." I asked hoping he would untie us.

"No, I have to keep up the appearance that you're my prisoners. Otherwise we'll be ambushed and won't be able to get you back to your family. Or anywhere else. But," he said as he reached into the saddlebags of his camel, pulling out some food and water. "You can have these if you need sustenance. Just try not to consume it all, that has to last."

I looked at it then grabbed it grumbling because I could've provided a much better meal than bread and beef jerky. The water was looking pretty good though.

I handed Alec the jerky and drank some of the water, then I handed it to Alec and he practically gulped it down. He handed both the water and jerky back to Andy and I chuckles because Alec had gotten the water all over his face. "What?" Alec had asked me. All I could do was point to his face as I doubled over in laughter.

I don't know why I found it so funny, because truth is it wasn't funny at all. I guess it's because we were in this situation in the first place. I mean seriously, who gets kidnapped and saved by Andy Biersack, then has to fight off some bad group that wants to enslave us all. Perfect, just perfect.
It was starting to get dark and we needed to make camp soon. There was a small oasis nearby miraculously. And I didn't magic it up, even though I wish I could've for the past ten hours. But at the sight of water both Alec and I perked up in excitement. Fortunately, Andy started leading the camels towards the oasis and Alec and I got even more excited.

"Can you please take these handcuffs off of us, they're starting to make our wrists bleed." And sure enough, our wrists were bleeding from Alec's plan to pull on the cuffs with our wrists.

Andy came over and inspected our wrists and frowned at the blood he saw. "I'll loosen them, but I can't take them off. You two still need to look like prisoners."

"But if you take them off I can heal us both." I said trying to convince him to unlock my handcuffs. He looked like he was contemplating it and looked at both Alec and I. Then Alec gave him his puppy dog fave that literally no one can say no to. Believe me, I tried.

"Fine, I'll do it." He said and he unlocked the handcuffs, taking them off.

"Yes!" I said "We're free." Then I kid you not, not even five minutes after I healed our wounds, we were ambushed.

"Really?!?! It's only been like 3 minutes!!!" I shouted and hit one of them with a ball of magic, killing him instantly. "What is wrong with these people?!?!" Like really, we just got our cuffs off.

"Andy, we know you have the Warlock and Shadowhunter. Give them to us and you won't die." Some weird guy in a cloak and voice changer said. "We need them for our plan to work."

"Why the hell would I give them back to you? Especially if they'll help complete your plans? Or did you not realize I wouldn't bend to your will? You may be the leader of F.E.A.R. but you're not my leader." He growls out at them, pulling out a laser gun and shooting one of the leaders thugs. The thug fell off of his horse and lay motionless, dead.

"Wait, you people kidnapped us? What the fuck is wrong with you? We didn't even do anything!!!" I shouted balling up my fists, creating a ball of magic in each hand. "Give me one reason not to kill you all right now!!!" I shouted at them giving then a look that could kill with all of my High Warlock authority.

They all turned pale and the leader started stuttering for a response. After all a livid warlock is not good to be around. "B-because we have your boyfriends family!!!" He shouted, but he looked down and to the left. A sure sign of someone lying.

Alec's face went pale but I just got more pissed off. "You're lying!!!" I shouted throwing a bright ball of magic at him. Hitting him in the chest, killing him instantly. "Now you lackeys better run it you'll be extra crispy just like your leader." I growled out and they ran like the wind. "Good choice." I growled out.

"Excuse me Mags, but can you portal us home now? I just want to go home and cuddle with you." Alec said hanging his head, tears falling from his eyes.

I instantly lost my fight and hugged Alec tightly. "Yes, we can go home. Everything will be okay babe. I'll get you home." I said letting him go and tracing the runes in the air, creating the portal.

"It's time to go home babe." I said smiling. I turned to Andy saying "Thank you for rescuing us. We're going home now. I hope we meet again soon. By the way," I said snapping my fingers. "GLITTERBOMB!!!!!" I shouted and walked through the portal and onto the institutes steps. I closed the portal and turned back to Alec. "We're home now." I said as he opened the doors, letting both of us in. 

Everyone was standing in the kitchen when they looked up and saw us. "Alec!" Jace shouted and everyone rushed towards us and hugged him. Carry stopped short and slapped me across the face hard.

"What the hell Magnus! How could you leave Alec in the subway crying like that?!?" She shouted. I guess I had a lot if explaining to do.

"I'll tell you all when you're done reuniting with Alec." I said as I went to sit down.

That's the story of us getting kidnapped by some sort of occult. It was weird, but we're back home now. Alec and I back together. Thank you for listening to me tell this tale of weirdness, suspense, love, and mystery.

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