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~~~Magnus' p.o.v.~~~

I jolted awake and rushed to the bathroom. My stomach was churning, and I threw up everything in my stomach. I must have woken Alec, because he came in and started rubbing my back while holding my hair.

This has been happening for about a week now. And even though I'm throwing up everything in me, I'm gaining weight.

About an hour later I was done, and Alec gave me my toothbrush and toothpaste to brush my teeth. "Are you okay?" Alec asked.

"Yeah, just give it a few more days."

"Alright, but if you're not better by Friday you're going to the Doctors." he said sternly.

"Okay" I agreed. I really don't like the doctors. It just makes me feel nervous. Knowing that someone could be dying on another floor above you.


It was now Friday and my condition hasn't gotten any better. If anything it's gotten worse. My morning sickness hasn't stopped and I'm getting bigger. I've started getting weird cravings, like cereal with anchovies or pickles with mustard, mmm yummy.

I was sitting on the couch watching reruns of Project Runway with Alec. He was cuddled up against me with his head on my chest. "You need to go to the doctor." he said.

I looked at him warily "But I don't like the hospital." I said pleading him with my eyes not to make me go. He seemed to understand and said "Well at least let Catarina take a look at you." I agreed and grabbed my phone to call her.

I dialed in her number and in about three rings she answered. "Hello Magnus. What do you need?" she asked.

"Hey Cat, could you come over here and check me out. Alec is getting really worried, and I don't know whats going on with me."

"Yeah sure, I'll be over there in about half an hour."

"Okay, thanks. I'll see you later, Goodbye."

"Bye Magnus."

About thirty minutes later Caterina showed up. "Hey Magnus, what's going on?"

"I don't know, for some reason I'm throwing up everything I ate the previous day but still gaining weight. And I'm having these weird cravings." I explained to her.

She seemed to immediately know what was going on but needed to make sure she was correct. "Magnus, could you lay down on the couch please?"

"Sure." I went to lay on the couch putting my legs on Alec's lap. Catarina put her hands on my stomach as green sparks glimmered out of her hands.

She started smiling and opened her mouth to speak. "Congratulations You two! Magnus you're pregnant!" she said excitedly.

Both Alec and I were dumbfounded. "But how? I'm a guy, and infertile!?!?" I asked knowing Alec had the same question.

"This is just a theory, but were you recently submissive during intercourse with Alec?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked. Both Alec and I blushing furiously.

"Well I think that since Alec is a Shadowhunter you're able to get pregnant. Somehow Shadowhunters are able to make warlocks fertile like Tessa. Remember how her and Will were able to have kids when Tessa should have been infertile too."

"So you're saying that Shadowhunters have the ability to make warlocks fertile?" I asked.

"Yes, that's the most reasonable explanation." Both Alec and I were completely shocked. but all of a sudden Alec started smiling. It lit up his whole face and was one of those contagious smiles. And I started smiling too. "Well I'll leave you two to celebrate and I'll get back to the hospital." Catarina said. But neither of us were paying attention to her.

I moved over to Alec and attached my lips to his. It started out passionately, telling so many words that neither of us could say. Alec broke away first and I whimpered in protest. "We're having a baby." he said and started kissing me again.

"We should take this to the bedroom." I said and we made our way to the bedroom not once breaking the kiss. I pulled away "We should take a shower together." I suggested while making my way to the bathroom. I didn't make sure Alec was following as I started stripping. I turned on the water to the appropriate setting, not to hot or cold.

We got into the shower and I grabbed the sandalwood body wash. I started washing Alec's body making sure to get every inch. Starting with his back, moving to his chest up to his neck.

As I finished washing his body I rinsed the soap off, then grabbed the shampoo. Opening the lid I squirted some into my hand and rubbed it into Alec's hair. He started moaning as soon as I tugged it. Of course his hair would be a turn on.

When I was done I washed all of the shampoo out of his hair. Once I thought all of it was out, I stopped touching him completely. He whimpered "My turn" was all that I said as I handed him the body wash and turned around. Alec started washing my body the same way I washed his.

When he started rubbing shampoo in my hair I moaned, it felt so good. As soon as he was done both of us hopped out of the shower and walked into the bedroom. Suddenly I got drowsy and climbed in bed. "I'm tired." I mumbled as Alec climbed in bed with me. Alec laid down behind me, wrapping his arms around my stomach. "I love you" I said as I started falling asleep.

"I love you too." Alec said and we both fell asleep in each others arms.


Hey Guys! Sorry if this is a bit different. But my phone decided it was going to spontaneously break for no reason. So right now I'm using my moms computer to update this. There is going to be a sequel to this. Don't worry I'm not that mean. That's it, Bye! *Runs off to go congratulate Alec and Magnus on their new baby*

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