The Proposal

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Song: If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn (Acoustic Version) by Sleeping With Sirens

~~~Magnus' p.o.v.~~~

I was getting ready for my date with Alec tonight. We were going to a restaurant called Convivium Osteria. It was a nice tavern like restaurant that had great Italian food.

I felt in my pocket and took out the velvet box. Tonight is the night I propose to Alexander. I was extremely nervous, and wasn't sure what to expect. Was he going to say yes or no. God, I hope he says yes, I won't be able to bare it if he says no.

Alec came out and I quickly put the box away. As soon as I looked at him I was stunned. He was wearing an all black suit, and looked so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He seemed to be having the same problem.

I was wearing a tuxedo without any glitter or anything. My hair was down and I wasn't wearing any make-up, except for a little bit of eyeliner and glitter. But other than that my looks were natural.

I'm not sure how long we stared at each other, but it seemed like only a few seconds. Every time I look at him I fall in love with him all over again. I pulled him into a passionate kiss. He tensed up in surprise but soon melted into the kiss.

I pulled away first because if we kept going we wouldn't be able to stop. "Come on, we should probably go." I said a little breathless.

"Right" Alec was blushing and he looked so cute. We made our way out of the loft and into a cab. I grabbed his hand and entwined his fingers with my own.

We soon arrived at the restaurant and went to the counter. "Hello, welcome to Convivium Osteria. Do you have a reservation?" The waiter said.

"Yes, it's under Bane." He searched for the reservation taking his time. I was getting impatient when he found it, grabbed some menus, and led us to our table.

We were led to a table for two. It was a round wooden table, with a candle in the middle, and had a chandelier above it. The walls were dark green and beige. It looked like an ancient Greek tavern.

Alec was still taking in the room when I pulled out the chair for him. As soon as he sat down I moved to my own chair. "Magnus, this is beautiful." Alec praised.

"Just like you" I said and he immediately blushed. The waiter came over then and introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Michael. I will be your waiter for tonight. Can I start you off with any drinks?" He pulled out a pen and pad. I noticed he had glamoured cat ears and tail. So he's a Neko huh? It's very rare to see one around here, they're normally found in Japan or China.

"We'll have wine please." I ordered for both of us, and noticed him staring at my eyes. "Can I help you with something?" I asked him getting uncomfortable with him staring at me.

"Um no, it's just that your eyes. You're a warlock aren't you?" He asked looking at me like he hasn't seen a warlock before.

"Yes, Magnus Bane High Warlock of Brooklyn." I answered cockily.

"Oh, it's just that I haven't seen a warlock with cat eyes before. I'll be back with your wine shortly." He said and scurried off to get the wine. Alec looked at me with a questioning gaze. I just shrugged my shoulders as if saying 'I don't know'.

We looked at our menus looking for what to eat. I decided on the chicken Alfredo, and Alec is getting spaghetti, his favorite dish.

The waiter came back and poured our wine. "What can I get you two to eat tonight." He asked getting out his pad and paper again.

"I'll get the Chicken Alfredo." I said then he looked at Alec to get his order.

"I'll have the Spaghetti please." Michael wrote down what we were having and said that it will be ready in about fifteen minutes. He then walked off to the kitchen.

"So, what did you bring me here for?" Alec asked suddenly.

"Do I need a reason to bring my wonderful boyfriend on a date?" I said seductively. Why couldn't I just tell him the truth? It's just not the right time for that yet.

"I guess your right." He said "So the waiters a Neko, you don't see very many of them around."

"Yeah, I noticed. I used to have a friend who was a Neko. She was a very hyper woman, and was always talking to my cats." We continued on like that until the food came. The meal was silent, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was quite comfortable actually.

"Alec" I said, it was time. I pulled out the box and got down on one knee. He looked at me shocked but I wasn't backing down now. God I'm so nervous, here goes nothing. "The day I met you was one of the best days of my life, and I couldn't stop thinking about you. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me in my 800 years, and I fall in love with you more and more every day. I know I don't deserve you and I have my flaws, but I love you too much to let you go. So Alexander Gideon Lightwood, will you do the honor of being my Husband?"

There the words were out. He stood there frozen with tears in his eyes. His mouth opening and closing, trying to get words out. I started thinking he was going to say no and my face fell. "Yes" What? I lifted my face up with pure love and excitement on my face. "Yes Magnus Bane, I will marry you."

I pulled him into a heated kiss filled with passion, excitement, and need. "I love you" I said in between kisses. People started clapping in the background. But I didn't care, the only thing I care about is Alec.

"I love you too" I knew he meant it, and so did I. I paid for I meal and we headed back to the loft.

When we got out of the cab and headed in the door, we didn't even make it up the stairs before Alec shoved me up against the wall and started kissing me. I immediately started kissing him back. We started walking up the stairs not once breaking the kiss.

Alec blindly fumbled with the door trying to get the door open. I snapped my fingers and opened it for him. As soon as the door was closed I pushed Alec up against the door. My hands found their way under his shirt as I started feeling his back and abs. I ripped his shirt off and started kissing his neck, his chest, down to his pant line. Then back up again until I reached his lips.

Alec moaned loudly and ripped my shirt off as well. I felt an uncomfortable tightening in my pants. "We should take this to the bedroom." I said while pulling him to our bedroom.

Once in the room I started unbuttoning his pants and unzipped them with my mouth. I pulled his pants down only leaving him in his boxers. He did the same to me until both of us were only in our boxers. I started kissing all over his body while he was uncontrollably moaning.

"P-please, I n-need mo-re." He begged and I gave him exactly what he wanted.

Hey guys! I'm just going to leave the rest to your imagination. ;) ;)

I'm so sorry for not posting anything in awhile. I've been really busy with high school starting soon. Yay, I'm a freshman. Note the sarcasm. As an apology I've added a sweet scene at the end, and made it longer than normal. Remember to vote and comment if you liked it. If you have any ideas please comment them and I will use your ideas. Well that's it bye guys! *Runs away while dodging heavy gunfire, flying daggers, and Seraph Blades*

P.s. I hope you like it Parabatai. You know who you are.

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