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~~~Alec's p.o.v.~~~

I was laying on the couch reading Confessions of a Murder Suspect. I didn't even notice Magnus sneaking up on me, until he had the book in his hands. "Hey! Magnus give it back!"

"But I'm bored. Pay attention to me." He groaned.

"Magnus, give me the book back or I'll hide your glitter." I threatened.

He gave it back and I put the bookmark in it. I set the book down and we started talking. "I think we should go on vacation soon." Magnus suggested.

"Ok how about we go to Peru."

"No!" He started to look nervous, and wouldn't look at me.

"Magnus, what's wrong?" I asked hoping to get an answer.

"Nothing." He answered that quickly. Magnus wouldn't look me in the eye, and I knew that something was definitely wrong.

I put a hand on his chin and lifted his face so he looked me in the eye. "Magnus you can tell me anything you know that." I told him seriously. He have me a look of resignation then.

"I know, it's just that it's embarrassing." He said while starting to blush. Magnus Bane blushing, it must be really embarrassing for him to blush.

"Embarrassing or not, it can't be that bad." That got him.

"Alright, I'm banned from Peru." He confessed.


"I was drunk with Ragnor and Catarina chasing me. I enchanted a carpet to start flying around like Aladdin. When I got near the Saint Catalina Cathedral I covered it in glitter. Then I flew the old city remains of Chan Chan and turned them pink. Let's just say the Government of Peru didn't like that very much. They banned me and will notify the Clave if ever step foot in that country again" he explained.

"Why am I not surprised?" And then burst out laughing. Magnus started laughing with me.
Hey guys! I hope you liked it. Remember to vote and comment. Remember to comment any suggestions you have and I might use them! Bye! *Goes off to slap Richard for interrupting Magnus and Alec's first date.*

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