He's Gone Part 1

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Song is Carolyn by Black Veil Brides

~~~Magnus p.o.v.~~~

He's gone. He's really gone. My beloved Alec is gone. He's betrayed me in the most horrid way possible. My one true love was going to shorten my life. He was going to take away my immortality.

My mind kept playing the scene of that night in my head over and over again.

It was the night before when Camille wrote me a message saying that my beloved Alexander was going to pay a visit to her. And that he was going to make a deal with her to take away my immortality. I couldn't believe it. In fact I refused to believe it. But when Alec got up in the middle of the night trying to sneak out, I had to follow him. But what I was seeing I couldn't believe.

There was my beloved Alec standing in front of a love seat with the one and only Camille Belcourt on it. My heart constricted knowing that Camille's letter was true. That my Alec was going to shorten my life.

I watched in horror as he talked with her more and more. But what made it worse was that Camille was staring directly at me. She knew I was there and knew exactly what this was doing to me.

When they were done talking Alec turned and faced me. Noticing the look of complete and utter heartbreak on my face. He looked at me with horror, like a deer caught in headlights.

I remember him telling me he wasn't going to do it. But the fact that he even considered doing it just killed me. He kept apologizing but I couldn't forgive him. How can you trust someone who was going to shorten your life.

I never should have kissed him that night. As I left him I told him that I still loved him in my native language, then kissed him. Then when I left, I had to fight myself from turning back and enveloping him in my arms. Comforting him as he sobbed his heart out on the cold subway ground. I just walked away never turning back. Leaving him in the cold dark subway. Sobbing his heart out as it shattered into a million little pieces.

I've been miserable since that night. When I got home I took my clothes off and put on one of Alec's sweaters and a pair of sweatpants. Then I made a portal to Catarina's house.

I had told Alec that he had until midnight of the next day to collect his stuff from my loft. And that I wasn't going to be there. I meant it, which is why I'm here. I also need some comfort from a friend. I need someone who will listen to my pain and heartbreak. Someones who will listen to me pour my heart out.

When I got to her house Catarina looked surprised to see me. Then she took in my appearance and wrapped me in a tight hug. I hugged back and broke down in her arms. She comforted me as I sobbed my heart out. I was heartbroken. Why would he do this to me? Why didn't he listen to my warning about Camille?

Instead he sought her out for information. Information on me. He went to her so that he could learn more about my past. And he almost shortened my life.

When I was finally calm enough to speak Catarina asked what happened. So I told her everything that happened. From when he snuck out and I followed him all the way to when I left him crying on the cold, hard subway ground.

While I was talking we somehow moved from the doorway to the couch. I was curled up in Catarina's arms as she comforted me. It reminded me of how Alec used to hold me when I had painful flashbacks of my childhood. Which made me a sobbing mess in Cat's arms again.

I must have fallen asleep again. Because next thing I knew I was waking up to the Sun in my eyes. Cat was gone, but there was a piece of paper laying next to me on the coffee table. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Magnus,

I'm sorry I had to leave you like this. But there was an emergency at the hospital. There's some ice cream in the freezer if you want it. I'll be back as soon as I can.

Love, Cat

Since Cat was gone, I decided to head home and check on the Chairman. He hasn't been fed in about a day. Not unless Alec fed him.

When I arrived at the loft Chairman Meow ran up to me and rubbed against my leg. I picked him up and walked over to the couch laying down with the Chairman on my stomach.

The next thing I know, I'm waking up to pounding on my door. I snapped the floor open and saw Isabelle walk in. "What do you want?" I croaked, my voice scratchy from the crying.

"What the hell did you do to my brother?!" She yelled at me.

"I broke up with him. He betrayed my trust by doing the worst thing he could have done to me."

"What could have been so bad that you shattered his heart?"

"He was going to make me mortal. He was going to shorten my life. But in the process he would have killed me. All of the years I've lived would have caught up to me, and I would have died." I said my voice thick with tears.

She seemed speechless after that and it was getting on my nerves. I didn't want her to see me like this. I didn't want her to see me at my most vulnerable.

"If that's all you have to say then get out. I don't want you here. Leave" I said as I pointed to the door. And she turned on her heel and left.

When she was gone I snapped the door shut and started sobbing. As soon as I told her it made it real. I couldn't pretend it didn't happen. Me saying it was a slap in the face to me.

A few days later, I was still in the same spot on the couch. Except this time I was surrounded by empty Thai containers and was curled around a gallon bucket of ice cream eating it like a pig.

I've been eating my sorrows away, yet I haven't gained a single pound. I kind of wish I have. It would make me seem normal. But I wish I had my Alec back more.

I've pretty much forgiven him. But how can I ever trust him again? How do you trust someone that was going to kill you? I mean, it's not like he knew it would have killed me. But I warned him to stay away from Camille or else something like this would happen. But he didn't listen, and now he's not mine anymore.

The next thing I knew, I was being chloroformed and put in a cage.

I woke up in the middle of the Sahara desert, handcuffed to a camel. Still heartbroken and on a camel without use of my magic. What have I gotten myself into now?

Hey guys, sorry for not updating in ages. I got this illness that all writers get called laziness. But I'm updating it now. And yes there's a part two, I'm not that evil. But if you guys complain about my lack of updating I will be that evil. Anyway, please don't kill me. This update is dedicated to StormofIceandFire Sleeping_At_Last14 and Emolation_10

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