getting ready to meet her parents for the first time

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Just a short chapter... again.

You and taylor are both 15 in this one

This is for my girlfriend  OriKiki9 I can't wait for us to finally meet in a few months its gonna be the best day of my life. I will probably freak out like y/n does in here lol .I love you so much princess

Today is the first time you will stay at taylors house and you are soooo nervous. It's the first time you will meet taylors parents. Just thinking about this makes you so nervous, but there is no turning bsck now, you wanna meet the parents that born the love of your life; taylor. Her parents already know about you and you've talked a bit when taylor was on the phone with you but never more than that. So today is the day.

You are getting ready rn but you are having a mental breakdown because you don't know what to wear. An idea shots into your head: calling tay.

You grab your phone and call taylor.

,,hey baby are you ok-"

,,no time for this i don't know what to wear help meeeee!" You say frustrated. You hear taylor laughing at you You look at her with your 'unserious cute/mad' face

,,don't laugh! It's not funny" Taylor can't stop laughing which makes you stsrt to laugh too cuz taylor laugh is just so perfect and it's so adorable that you stsrt laughing with her.

,,s-s-stop! I can't breath!" You finally got out After almost dying with laughter.

After a while you both got yourseves to stop laughing

,,ok serious now princess. What should i wear?" You stsrt to undress yourself to your underwear and you can see taylors eyes widen big. It looks like her eyeballs are about to fall out. And then it Hit you. Shit. You forgot she csn see you. You quickly get out of the frame and you immediately blush deeply Red. ,,I am so sorry! You weren't supposed to seeeeeeee" you got a quick peak of taylor.

Her face is also really red and she seemed to be dreaming

,,babe!" You quickly got her attention bsck

,,sorry! Uh well I did not expect that babe."

,,yea im really sorry"

,,don't be sorry. It's okay I promise"

,,ok" you quickly speak again  ,,please help me to chose an outfit now. I wanna look like im the right one for you" you can see taylor blushing again. You smile to yourself proudly.

She quickly gathers herself. ,,you don't need to wear anything special. Maybe go with a pair of Jeans and a basic Shirt baby that's gonna be enough. Oh and you neeeeeed to wear your New pair of vans they look so good on you!"

,,you think?" You ask. she nods her head fast with a serious face. You giggle a little. ,,alright pretty girl"

You quickly get dressed into the Outfit taylor said would be fine. ,,what do you think?"



Taylor gets out of her dream bubble ,,sorry! You look perfect honey"

You blush ,,thank you"

You also put on some rings and a necklace with a T on it.

,,im all ready now. I'll meet you at your house in 15 ok?"

,,oki baby. I love you"

,,I love you too princess. Bye"



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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