(part 11)

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this is just a smut chapter so if you dont like it you dont have to read you wont really miss out on anything for the plot except a lot of fluff in-between.



third pov:

once izuku finally made it to his and sero's cabin, he found his lovely boyfriend led on there shared bed (that aizawa made sure they had) in shorts and a tank top, reading a book.

'how can someone look so innocent but so tempting' izuku thought as he closed and locked the door, stepping further into the room.

sero looked up from his book after hearing the door open and close, he stared at izuku as he walked around the room, taking off his shoes and hoodie changing into a big t-shirt, leaving on his boxers before flopping onto the bed, face first, next to sero with an exhausted huff.

"you ok there love?" sero asked softly, putting his book on the bedside table before turning to look at izuku who turned onto his back, now staring at the ceiling.

"you want the full truth, half truth, or a lie?" izuku asked quietly

"full truth if your alright tellin' me" sero said sitting up slightly.

izuku sighed "im like...super stressed out right know and i kinda wanna throw myself of a cliff, not that i can die or anything cuz of there stupid quirks that have been forced onto me," izuku sat up and turned to face sero "you know earlier when i left during dinner? i followed kota and we had a chat... and for some odd reason i opened up to him a little nothing to major but i still did,...to a kid, a fucking kid can you believe it?" izuku throw his hands in the air before hiding his face within them.

" first, please dont say you wanna throw ya self off a cliff and second so what if you talked to kota, you opened up and its a good thing, dont stress about it ok?" sero said taking izuku's hands off of his face and holding them.

"s'not just that, trainin' been stressful too and i just want some quiet for a while, is that ok?"

"of Couse it is love" sero said lovingly

izuku moved to straddle sero's lap stuffing his face in sero's neck with his hands wrapped around his waist as sero lent on the headboard with his arms around izuku middle protectively.

it was silent for a while, both enjoying eachother warmth and comfort but izuku was still in need of a stress reliver.

izuku began lightly kissing sero's neck, with the occasional nibble, not wanting to mark unless sero gave him his consent. sero tilted his head to the side to give izuku more room, his own way of telling izuku it was ok to leave marks and izuku did, his sucked on sero's smooth skin on his neck and shoulder, sero sighed in content but moan when izuku found his sweet spot. izuku, hearing sero's moan sucked hard on sero's sensitive spot, teeth grazing his skin.

izuku pulled back and admired his work, feeling a sense of pride fill his chest as he soothed over the bruised skin with his tongue before sitting up all the way in sero's lap.

"you ok? i wasn't to hard was i?" izuku asked, his need for reassurance rising.

"it was perfect" sero said with a gentle smile.

izuku leaned in and wrapped his arms around sero once more and kissed him, it was gentle and loving at first, but soon turned more heated and sero licked izuku's bottom lip for entrance, izuku was happy to oblige and parted his lips as there tongues clashed and they fort for dominance which sero won easily.

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