Chapter 1: The Double Life of Aishwarya

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Aishwarya sat in the back row of her fourth-year architecture class, a dreamy look in her eyes as she doodled absentmindedly in her notebook. On the surface, she appeared to be a typical student, with her neatly braided hair, starched white salwar kameez, and thick-rimmed glasses that gave her an air of studiousness. Her professors often praised her for her punctuality and dedication, and her classmates admired her for her unwavering focus and calm demeanor.

But Aishwarya harbored a secret world within her, a world that was far removed from the geometric lines and structural calculations of her coursework. This was a world filled with intense emotions, dramatic encounters, and forbidden desires—a world that she carefully concealed from everyone around her.

As Professor Krishnan droned on about the principles of sustainable architecture, Aishwarya's mind drifted to the latest chapter of her ongoing fantasy. In her imagination, she was not just Aishwarya, the diligent architecture student. She was Ash, the fearless heroine of a thrilling boys' love (BL) story. In this alternate reality, she navigated complex relationships and daring escapades with a charm and confidence that she could only dream of in her real life.

The sharp tap of a ruler on her desk snapped her back to reality. Aishwarya looked up to see Professor Krishnan's stern face peering down at her.

"Miss Aishwarya, are you with us?" he asked, his voice cutting through the haze of her daydream.

"Y-yes, sir," she stammered, quickly closing her notebook and straightening up in her seat. The other students snickered, and she felt a blush creep up her cheeks.

"Perhaps you can answer the question then," he continued, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Aishwarya's heart raced. She had no idea what the question was, having been lost in her fantasies. She swallowed hard, trying to recall any fragment of the lecture.

"Um, the principles of sustainable architecture focus on using eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient designs to minimize environmental impact?" she ventured, hoping she had hit the mark.

Professor Krishnan stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Correct. Pay attention, Miss Aishwarya. Daydreaming won't get you anywhere in this field."

Aishwarya nodded, relief flooding through her. She cast a quick glance around the classroom, making sure no one had noticed the panic in her eyes. Her classmates were already returning to their notes, and she let out a silent sigh of relief.

As the lecture continued, Aishwarya forced herself to focus, but her thoughts kept slipping back to her fantasies. She had always been drawn to storytelling, and the world of BL manga had captured her heart during her teenage years. She admired the courage and honesty with which the characters navigated their feelings, something she found lacking in her own life.

After class, Aishwarya made her way to the cafeteria, where her friends were already seated at their usual table. Priya, her best friend and confidante, waved her over with a bright smile.

"Hey, Aishu! Over here!" she called.

Aishwarya smiled back, grateful for the distraction. She joined her friends, trying to push her fantasies to the back of her mind and focus on the present.

"How was class?" Priya asked, nudging her playfully.

"Same as always," Aishwarya replied, shrugging. "Professor Krishnan caught me daydreaming again."

Priya laughed. "You and your daydreams! What was it this time? Another epic love story?"

Aishwarya's cheeks flushed. "Something like that," she said, hoping to steer the conversation away from her fantasies.

As they chatted and laughed, Aishwarya felt a pang of guilt. She loved her friends dearly, but she couldn't bring herself to share the full extent of her imaginative world with them. They knew she loved reading and writing, but they had no idea about the BL stories she crafted in her mind.

Later that evening, Aishwarya sat at her desk in her small, cozy room, her textbooks spread out before her. The hum of the ceiling fan provided a soothing background noise as she tried to concentrate on her assignments. But her thoughts kept drifting back to Ash and her adventures.

She picked up her pen and opened a fresh page in her journal. As she began to write, the words flowed effortlessly, and the mundane worries of her real life faded away. In this world, she could be anyone, do anything, and explore the depths of her imagination without fear of judgment.

Aishwarya knew she had to be careful. She couldn't afford to let her fantasies interfere with her studies or her relationships. But in those quiet moments, alone with her thoughts, she allowed herself the freedom to dream, to escape, and to live a life unburdened by the expectations of others.

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