Chapter 7: Vikram's Point of View - Unexpected Bond

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First Meeting

Vikram first noticed Aishwarya in their first year during an introductory design class. She often sat at the back, diligently taking notes. Vikram was impressed by her focus and the quality of her work, though they hadn't interacted much.

One day, during a group activity, he found himself seated next to her. "Hi, I'm Vikram. Your sketches are really good," he said, hoping to break the ice.

Aishwarya looked up, a hint of a smile on her lips. "Oh, thank you. I'm Aishwarya."

Building the Friendship

Vikram and Aishwarya didn't interact much initially, but he always noticed her in class, working hard and keeping to herself. It wasn't until they were paired for a project in their second year that they began to spend more time together.

Vikram admired Aishwarya's creativity and attention to detail. He enjoyed their discussions about design concepts and appreciated her insights. Over time, he found himself seeking her opinion on his own work and looked forward to their collaborative efforts.

Present Day

By their fourth year, Vikram had developed a quiet respect and fondness for Aishwarya. Discovering her secret passion for writing only deepened his admiration. He was genuinely interested in her stories and wanted to help her succeed. Their unexpected bond over her characters, Nikhil and Arjun, had brought them closer, and Vikram hoped to become a trusted friend and ally in her creative journey. He felt that supporting her in this endeavor was a way to show her how much he valued their friendship.

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