Chapter 9: Not Everything Is As It Seems...

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Aishwarya had always been meticulous about keeping things in order, especially when it came to matters she deemed important. Her journey to college had been fraught with complications, arriving a year later than her peers due to family circumstances that she rarely spoke about. This delay weighed on her, leaving her feeling like she was perpetually catching up.

Strategic Encounters

In her first days at college, Aishwarya had overheard Priya mentioning her search for another architecture student to navigate the campus together. Seizing the opportunity, Aishwarya subtly positioned herself where Priya would notice her—a lone figure, nervously flipping through her orientation materials. It worked as she had hoped: Priya, with her infectious enthusiasm, approached Aishwarya, linking arms and guiding her towards the architecture department.

Their friendship blossomed from there, but it wasn't without its challenges. Priya's bubbly personality and social pursuits often diverged from Aishwarya's more studious inclinations. While Priya introduced her to a lively social circle, Aishwarya found herself craving deeper, academic conversations—something Priya, not being the studious type herself, couldn't fully provide.

Bonding Over Books

Observing Neha over the course of the semester, Aishwarya recognized a kindred spirit in the library's quiet corners. Neha's dedication to her studies and her analytical approach to architecture drew Aishwarya in. She admired Neha's ability to balance academic rigor with a keen interest in practical applications.

After weeks of silent observation, Aishwarya mustered the courage to approach Neha, seeking her out as a study partner. She chose her moments carefully, ensuring Neha saw her dedication to academic excellence mirrored her own. Neha, appreciating Aishwarya's earnestness and commitment, welcomed her into her study routines and discussions.

A Shift in Perspective

Aishwarya, or Aishu as her friends called her, was accustomed to meticulously planning her interactions with others. Whether it was strategically positioning herself for friendships or carefully choosing her study partners, she always took deliberate steps. However, amidst her calculated approach to college life, there was one person who stood out—Vikram.

Their first interaction had been brief but memorable. Aishu recalled the day they were grouped together for a class project. Vikram's casual demeanor and quick wit intrigued her. She found herself enjoying their discussions about architecture and design, hoping it would lead to more meaningful conversations.

As weeks turned into months, Aishu noticed a pattern. While Vikram was friendly and engaging during their class discussions, he rarely initiated conversations outside of academic settings. She began to feel disappointed, realizing that their interactions were limited to brief exchanges about coursework. Her initial interest in getting to know Vikram better slowly faded as she focused more on her studies and her burgeoning friendship with Priya and Neha.

Vikram, to Aishu, was like a passing wind—brief and fleeting. She often wondered why he didn't show more interest in getting to know her beyond the surface. Despite her initial disappointment, she accepted that their relationship was limited to being classmates.

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