Chapter 10: The Illusion of Crush

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Aishu couldn't help but admire Rahul from afar when he was selected as their class representative. His introductory speech had resonated deeply with her—his kindness, calm demeanor, and academic prowess were all qualities she admired from a distance. As the days passed, her curiosity about him only grew.

Far Things Are More Beautiful Than Near

It wasn't until their second year that Aishu and Rahul were finally grouped together for a project. The opportunity to work closely with him seemed like a dream come true for Aishu, who had often imagined what it would be like to interact with him beyond the classroom.

However, reality didn't quite align with her expectations. As they collaborated on their project, Aishu discovered a side of Rahul that differed from her idealized image. He was focused and driven, yes, but his reserved nature made it difficult for Aishu to connect with him on a personal level. The conversations were polite but lacked the warmth and mutual understanding she had hoped for.

The Break of Crush

The realization hit Aishu like a wave. Rahul was a good person and an excellent student, but the romanticized image she had constructed in her mind shattered. She realized that her feelings for him were based more on admiration from a distance rather than genuine compatibility or connection.

She decided to channel her energy and focus into her design work instead, pouring herself into projects and coursework. The disappointment of her crushed crush propelled her to excel academically, determined not to let personal feelings distract her from her goals.

A Promise to Keep

Deep down, Aishu knew that her parents' expectations weighed heavily on her. They had instilled in her a sense of responsibility and dedication to her studies, prioritizing academic success above all else. While she had briefly allowed herself to entertain the idea of a crush, she ultimately acknowledged that pursuing romantic interests was out of her reach, at least for the time being.

She reminded herself of the promise she had made to her parents—to focus on her education and build a successful career in architecture. The disappointment with Rahul served as a wake-up call, prompting her to reevaluate her priorities and commit fully to her academic pursuits.

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