Chapter 12: A Day of Reckoning

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Aishu woke up with a start, her heart pounding as she glanced at the clock. It was almost 6:30 am. Panic surged through her as she realized she hadn't completed her sections and elevations for her mall and multiplex major design. Today was the design jury day, the culmination of her third year, and she wasn't prepared.

Frantically, she scrambled to her desk, papers and pens scattered everywhere. As she worked, memories of her previous juries flooded her mind.

In her second year, during the first semester, she had been meticulously prepared. She completed everything a week in advance and spent the following days making improvements. Despite doing three all-nighters and even helping her seniors with their projects, she felt she hadn't performed well. Yet, when the jury day arrived, she realized her efforts had paid off.

Her second jury made her incredibly nervous. She couldn't recall how the first one had gone, but she aced it with her excellent sheet compositions and detailed explanations. The third jury was a blur. She had been so relaxed about it, perhaps too relaxed, that it went by in a flash, leaving her feeling unaccomplished.

Now, for her fourth jury, she hadn't pulled any all-nighters. Instead, she had indulged in reading three BL manhwas, convincing herself she deserved a break. As 2:00 am approached, she told herself she would only sleep for an hour before continuing her work. But exhaustion took over, and she fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about Nikhil, her OC.

When she finally awoke, her heart sank. She had been overly relaxed about the jury without realizing it. Panic set in, but then something changed. Determination took over, and she worked madly, her hands flying across the paper. She completed her sections and elevations in just two hours, something she could hardly believe. True, she used some shortcuts and CAD blocks, but the essential sheets were done.

As she stood back and looked at her work, a mix of relief and disbelief washed over her. She had managed to finish her minimum required sheets to pass the jury. It wasn't her best work, but given the circumstances, it was more than she could have hoped for.

Arriving at the jury, Aishu felt a strange calm. She knew her work wasn't perfect, but she had done her best in the time she had. As she presented her designs, she could see the jurors nodding in understanding, appreciating her effort despite the imperfections.

When the jury was over, Aishu felt a wave of relief. She had survived another challenge, and though she had cut it close, she learned a valuable lesson about preparation and balance. As she walked out of the room, she felt a renewed sense of determination to manage her time better and not leave things to the last minute.

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