authors note

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Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

As we journey through Aishu's narrative of growth and discovery, I want to take a moment to discuss copyrights and the creation of this story. Each character, scene, and plot element in this novel is a product of imagination and creativity. While inspired by various experiences and themes, any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This story is a work of fiction, crafted to entertain and inspire. As the author, I hold the copyright to this work, which includes all characters, dialogues, settings, and narrative developments. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work, whether in part or in whole, is prohibited without the explicit permission of the author.

Throughout the chapters so far, we've seen Aishu navigate the challenges of her architectural education, from overcoming stage fright to discovering her passion for adaptive reuse in urban design. Alongside her, Priya, Neha, Rahul, and Vikram have added layers of friendship, romance, and academic intrigue to her journey. As the story unfolds, Aishu's growth and personal discoveries will continue to shape her path, both professionally and personally.

Thank you for joining Aishu on this adventure. I hope you enjoy the story as it unfolds further, exploring themes of creativity, resilience, and the bonds that tie us together.

Warm regards,


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