Chapter 2: The Birth of a New Dream

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Aishwarya's heart raced as the idea took root in her mind. Writing her own BL story—it was exhilarating, terrifying, and utterly perfect. She could already see the characters forming in her imagination, their stories intertwining in a tapestry of passion and drama. That night, she barely slept, her mind buzzing with plot twists and emotional arcs.

The next day, Aishwarya floated through her classes in a haze of excitement. She paid little attention to Professor Krishnan's lectures, her thoughts consumed by the burgeoning story. She sketched out scenes in the margins of her notebook, her characters coming to life with each stroke of her pen.

During the break, she practically skipped to the cafeteria. Her friends noticed her unusual enthusiasm immediately.

"What's got you so excited today, Aishu?" Priya asked, grinning.

Aishwarya hesitated, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I... I had an idea for a story," she said, unable to contain her glee.

"Really? That's awesome! Tell us more!" Neha chimed in, her curiosity piqued.

Before Aishwarya could elaborate, Rahul, the class representative, approached their table. He had been watching Aishwarya all morning, intrigued by her uncharacteristic exuberance. Summoning his courage, he decided to strike up a conversation.

"Hey, Aishwarya," Rahul said, smiling warmly. "You seem really happy today. What's the secret?"

Aishwarya's heart skipped a beat. Rahul rarely spoke to her outside of academic discussions, and she was caught off guard by his sudden interest. She felt a flush of embarrassment rise to her cheeks.

"Oh, um, it's nothing," she stammered, avoiding his gaze. "I'm just excited that we're already in our fourth year. Time flies, right?"

Rahul looked slightly disappointed but maintained his friendly demeanor. "Yeah, it does. Well, it's great to see you so happy. Keep that energy up!"

Aishwarya nodded awkwardly and quickly turned back to her friends, feeling her face burn. She couldn't believe Rahul had noticed her excitement. What if he guessed the true reason behind it? She needed to be more careful.

"So, tell us about this story idea!" Priya urged, breaking the tension.

Aishwarya took a deep breath, regaining her composure. "Well, I've been thinking about writing a novel. It's a romance, but I'm still figuring out the details. I think it could be really good."

"That's amazing, Aishu!" Neha said, clapping her hands. "You have to let us read it once you're done!"

Aishwarya smiled, her excitement returning. "Of course! But it's going to take a lot of work. I want it to be perfect."

The rest of the day flew by in a blur. Aishwarya's mind was constantly buzzing with ideas for her novel. She scribbled notes whenever she could, capturing every fleeting thought. She could barely contain her enthusiasm, and it was a miracle she managed to get through her classes without any major mishaps.

When she finally returned to her hostel room that evening, Aishwarya felt a surge of energy. She sat at her desk, surrounded by her textbooks and sketches, and opened her journal. The blank page stared back at her, full of potential.

She took a deep breath and began to write. The characters she had envisioned started to take shape on the page, their personalities and stories unfolding with each word. She lost herself in the world she was creating, her excitement growing with every sentence.

Hours passed in a blur of creativity. By the time she looked up from her journal, it was well past midnight. She stretched, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her. Her story was far from finished, but she had taken the first step, and that was what mattered.

Aishwarya closed her journal and leaned back in her chair, a contented smile on her face. She knew the road ahead would be challenging, but she was ready to embrace it. For the first time in a long while, she felt a sense of purpose, a passion that went beyond her academic pursuits.

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