Chapter 13: Dreaming of Nikil and Arjun

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Aishu lay in bed, her mind drifting into the world of her characters, Nikil and Arjun. In her dream, she saw them as they first met in a crowded tuition class. Nikil, with his intense gaze and easy smile, sat in the back row, while Arjun, serious and focused, occupied a seat near the front.

Their eyes met unintentionally across the room, a fleeting moment that seemed to freeze time. Nikil, intrigued by Arjun's quiet intensity, found himself stealing glances throughout the class. Arjun, in turn, couldn't help but notice Nikil's relaxed confidence and the way he effortlessly interacted with others.

As the day progressed, they exchanged only a few words—a casual remark about the subject matter, a shared laugh at a joke made by the tutor. Yet, despite the lack of conversation, there was an unspoken connection between them. Aishu dreamt of how they each wanted to keep an eye on the other, curious about this person from a different department but feeling a strange pull towards them.

In her dream, Aishu visualized a romantic scene unfolding: Nikil, emboldened by a sudden burst of courage, approached Arjun after class. With a hesitant smile, he offered to walk Arjun to the campus café, their footsteps falling into sync as they talked about everything and nothing. Arjun, usually reserved, found himself opening up to Nikil, sharing stories and aspirations that he had never dared to voice before.

As they reached the café, Nikil stumbled over a small step, and before he could catch himself, he collided gently with Arjun. They both laughed nervously, a blush tinting their cheeks as they untangled themselves. "Sorry about that," Nikil said, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

Arjun smiled warmly, brushing off the incident. "No worries. It happens."

Their awkward moment melted into a comfortable silence as they found a quiet corner in the café. Over steaming cups of coffee, they continued their conversation, each sentence bringing them closer together. Nikil shared his passion for art and his dream of traveling the world, while Arjun spoke about his love for literature and his desire to make a meaningful impact through his studies.

Their eyes met frequently, exchanging unspoken messages of curiosity and growing affection. Aishu watched with a swelling heart as Nikil and Arjun's friendship deepened, the barriers between them melting away with each shared moment.

When Aishu finally woke from her dream, she felt a sense of warmth and inspiration. Nikil and Arjun were more than just characters to her—they were reflections of the connections she longed to find in her own life, a reminder that love and friendship could blossom unexpectedly and change the course of one's journey in profound ways.

As she reached for her notebook beside her bed, Aishu couldn't wait to capture the essence of Nikil and Arjun's story, weaving their experiences into a narrative that mirrored her own hopes and aspirations. She chuckled softly to herself, remembering their awkward yet endearing encounter at the café, and couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement for what lay ahead in their story.

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