Chapter 6: Rahul's Point of View - Unspoken Admiration

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First Meeting

Rahul's first real interaction with Aishwarya happened during a group presentation in their second year. He had always noticed her in class, quiet but focused, and her work had caught his eye more than once. During the presentation, he was impressed by her detailed and innovative design.

After the presentation, he approached her, his curiosity piqued. "You did a great job, Aishwarya. Your design was really impressive."

Aishwarya blushed, clearly surprised by the compliment. "Thank you, Rahul. Your presentation was amazing too."

Building the Friendship

Rahul tried to get to know Aishwarya better, often finding excuses to start conversations. He admired her dedication and her unique perspective on architecture. Despite his popularity, Rahul often felt nervous around her, unsure of how to break through her reserved nature.

He made small efforts to engage her, like sharing articles he thought she would find interesting or asking for her opinion on his projects. Slowly, he saw her opening up, their interactions becoming more frequent and comfortable.

Present Day

As they neared the end of their college journey, Rahul found himself increasingly drawn to Aishwarya. Her passion and creativity were inspiring, and he wanted to be a part of her world. Seeing her so excited about her writing project made him smile, and he hoped that one day she might see him as more than just a classmate. He was determined to support her in any way he could, quietly cheering her on from the sidelines.

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