Chapter 8: Nikhil and Arjun's Point of View - Mentors Remembered

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First Meeting

Nikhil and Arjun first met Aishwarya during their time as seniors in the architecture program. Aishwarya had just started her first year and was part of a group project that Nikhil and Arjun were mentoring.

Nikhil noticed her first. "You must be Aishwarya. I've heard good things about your work," he said, extending a hand.

Aishwarya shook his hand, her eyes wide with admiration. "Thank you, sir. I'm honored to work with you."

Arjun joined in, offering a warm smile. "Don't be so formal. We're here to help you. Let's see what you've got."

Building the Relationship

Throughout the year, Nikhil and Arjun became mentors and friends to Aishwarya. They appreciated her dedication and her eagerness to learn. She often sought their advice, and they were always willing to help her improve her designs.

Aishwarya's respect for them grew with each interaction. They were not just talented architects but also kind and approachable seniors who genuinely cared about the juniors. They provided guidance and encouragement, helping Aishwarya navigate the challenges of the rigorous architecture program.

Present Day

Though Nikhil and Arjun had graduated, their influence on Aishwarya remained strong. They had left a lasting impact on her approach to architecture and her aspirations. Little did they know that they had also become the inspiration for her novel's main characters.

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