Chapter 4: Priya's Point of View - A Friendship Blossoms

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It was during the hustle and bustle of orientation week that Priya first laid eyes on Aishwarya. The excitement of starting college was palpable, but Priya noticed a girl standing slightly apart from the crowd, her eyes scanning the campus map with a mix of confusion and determination. Priya's natural inclination to help others kicked in.

"Hey! You look lost. Need some help?" Priya asked, her voice cheerful and inviting.

Aishwarya looked up, her eyes widening in surprise. "Um, yes, actually. I'm trying to find the architecture department."

"Perfect! I'm heading there too. Let's go together," Priya said, linking her arm with Aishwarya's without a second thought. She could sense the girl's nervousness and wanted to make her feel welcome.

Building the Friendship

In the weeks that followed, Priya made it her mission to ensure Aishwarya felt at home. She introduced her to classmates, showed her around the campus, and even shared her study notes. Priya was drawn to Aishwarya's quiet dedication and the way she absorbed information like a sponge.

"Aishu, you work too hard. Let's go grab a coffee," Priya would often say, dragging Aishwarya out of the library for much-needed breaks.

Priya admired how Aishwarya's face would light up when talking about architectural concepts, and she loved how their conversations flowed so easily, despite Aishwarya's initial shyness.

Present Day

Now, in their fourth year, Priya saw Aishwarya as more than a friend—she was a sister. They had shared countless late-night study sessions, celebrated each other's successes, and supported each other through tough times. Priya had always been the outgoing one, while Aishwarya provided a calming balance.

Seeing Aishwarya so excited about her new story idea filled Priya with pride. She knew her friend had a rich inner world and couldn't wait to see how it would translate into her writing. Priya vowed to support Aishwarya every step of the way, just as she always had.

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