Chapter 5: Neha's Point of View - Silent Support

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First Meeting

Neha first met Aishwarya in the college library during their first semester. Neha was engrossed in her research when she noticed Aishwarya struggling with a stack of heavy books.

"Need a hand?" Neha offered, moving to help her.

Aishwarya looked relieved. "Thank you. I'm trying to find resources for our design project."

Neha nodded, recognizing a kindred spirit in Aishwarya's studious demeanor. "I know just the books you need. Follow me."

Building the Friendship

Neha and Aishwarya bonded over their mutual love for architecture and their shared dedication to their studies. They often found themselves in the library late at night, discussing projects and helping each other with difficult concepts. Neha admired Aishwarya's attention to detail and her relentless pursuit of perfection.

"Aish, you need to take a break sometimes," Neha would say, pushing a cup of coffee towards her friend. "You'll burn out if you keep going like this."

Over time, their study sessions turned into deep conversations about their dreams and aspirations. Neha found a confidante in Aishwarya, someone who understood her on a deeper level.

Present Day

As they entered their final year, Neha saw Aishwarya as a trusted friend and collaborator. They had faced numerous academic challenges together, and their bond had only grown stronger. Neha was intrigued by Aishwarya's newfound excitement about writing and eagerly anticipated seeing her friend's creativity flourish in this new venture. She knew Aishwarya would pour her heart and soul into her story, just as she did with everything else.

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