Chapter 22: Confronted by the Past

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Upon arrival at the station, Quincy was placed in a holding cell. She sat on the hard bench, staring at the concrete floor, her thoughts interrupted only by the occasional sounds of police chatter and the clinking of keys.

After what felt like an eternity, the sound of footsteps approached. Quincy looked up to see the chief of police entering the holding area. Her eyes widened slightly in recognition. It was Chief Daniels, a man who had once served under her command in the Navy.

"Lieutenant Q?" Chief Daniels said, his voice a mixture of surprise and concern. "What on earth are you doing in here?"

Quincy stood, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her mouth despite the circumstances. "Hello, Chief," she replied, her voice calm. "It's a long story."

Daniels shook his head, still trying to process seeing his former superior in a holding cell. "I heard about the altercation at the restaurant," he said. "But I didn't expect to find you locked up."

Quincy sighed and explained the situation succinctly. "There was a man harassing Bailey. Things escalated, and I had to step in. The officer on the scene tased me and decided to bring us both in."

Daniels nodded slowly, understanding dawning on his face. "I see," he said. "I've already looked into the man you fought... Broken nose, dislocated pinky, cracked rib and missing a few teeth." Quincy looked at him, unashamed of the damage she had caused the man and Daniels knew this. "Turns out, he's been on our wanted list for a few weeks now. Your actions, while aggressive, helped us apprehend him."

Quincy raised an eyebrow. "So, what now?"

Daniels gave a small, reassuring smile. "You're free to go. I'll take care of the paperwork and explain the situation to the officers involved. You did the right thing, even if it got a little out of hand."

As Daniels unlocked the cell door, Quincy stepped out, stretching her arms and rubbing her wrists where the handcuffs had been. "Thanks, Chief," she said sincerely.

"Don't mention it," Daniels replied. "Just try to avoid getting into any more trouble while you're on my turf, okay?"

Quincy chuckled softly. "I'll do my best."

Daniels escorted Quincy out of the holding area and back into the main part of the station. As they walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her. Despite the circumstances, Quincy had remained composed and focused, just as she had during their time in the Navy.

Once outside, Quincy took a deep breath of the cool night air. She spotted Kelly, Bailey, Barbara, and Kévin waiting anxiously by the squad cars. Bailey's face lit up with relief as she saw Quincy emerge, free and unscathed.

Quincy walked over to them, her expression softening as she approached. "Let's go home," she said quietly, wrapping an arm around Bailey's shoulders. "We've had enough excitement for one night."

Kelly approached, her eyes filled with worry. "We need to get you checked out," she insisted, her voice trembling with concern for Quincy's well-being.

Quincy nodded, reluctantly allowing herself to be guided towards the car with Barbara and Bailey's support. "And Daniels, I'm no longer Lieutenant." Was her last words as they left the station, Quincy's mind raced with a mix of emotions—relief that Bailey was safe, anger at the man who had dared to threaten them, and guilt for the man who still thought so highly of her.

Yet she knew she would always keep them safe, no matter what it took.

As Quincy and her family made their way to the car, the tension from the evening's events began to lift. But just as they were about to leave, a voice called out from behind them.

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