Chapter 31: The Guardian's Duality

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Bailey was jumping in her seat, which had Quincy smiling amused as she watched Kelly smile amused at her daughter's excitement.

"A movie! Of her show!" Bailey repeated once more, waving her hands, trying to cool herself down. "I can't wait!"

"What's LGB?" Quincy asked, looking at the screenshot her friend had sent her. "I thought it was LGBTQ... something?" The brunette tried to keep up with Bailey's enthusiastic teachings of the community, but she got a bit overwhelmed at times. "Why does she talk about it in a post about her show?" Quincy worried she had somehow missed a very crucial detail.

"Oh my god!" Bailey laughed, shaking her head. "LGB is from reputation era when everyone would shout 'One, Two, Three. Lets Go Bitch' at the start of Delicate," she informed through some light laughter.

"Oh," Quincy's eyes widened. "That's what the crowd is screaming each night, I wondered about that," the brunette rubbed her neck feeling a bit silly.

"You're such a boomer," Bailey sighed contentedly, she hadn't seen her goddaughter this easygoing since her mother had gotten ill. But then again Kelly was back on her feet, going on as usual.

"Watch it, kid, I'm still an adult," Quincy pointed at the screen the Kingstons were on.

"Yeah and old one, that's what boomer means," Bailey teased only for her mother to shove her off the couch onto the dogbed at the foot of the couch. "Mom!"

"Quin and I am the same age, you're calling me a boomer too and I know I am not hip but I get the vibe and that stops me from classifying as a boomer," Kelly informed as a matter of fact.

"Saying hip makes you not-hip." Bailey shook her head.

"What is this vibe you're getting?" Quincy asked, confused as usual, while the two spoke of younger generational trendy terms.

"It's like saying I feel your energy," Kelly explained in a term she knew Quincy would know from their days as teenagers.

"Oh, so vibe is the energy?" Quincy inquired, making mental notes.

Kelly nodded, "Pretty much."

Bailey groaned out loud, rolling her eyes teasingly. "Oh my god, you guys are old," This earned her a pillow in the face.

"I've had so many Swifties tell me they like my vibe, and I just thought they meant my style," Quincy admitted thoughtfully. "I kinda want to tell them I liked their vibe too," she leaned back in her chair.

Quincy rested her chin on her palm but flinched when she felt the stitches pull, making her sit upright and blow on the stinging threads.

"You still haven't taken pain meds, have you?" Kelly scolded.

"I don't need them. They'll hinder my work." It was a lie she told so believingly that she had gotten past Andrea.

"Quin, it's like nine," Kelly deadpanned, "you can have a painkiller."

"No, they make me feel bad," Quincy replied stubbornly.

Kelly rolled her eyes but gave in, "You can be such a baby."

"Has anyone told you they like your drip?" Bailey asked randomly, which made Kelly laugh while Quincy thought it over.

"I think there was one boy with his father who was a biker, he said something like that," Quincy nodded at the teenager who had part of her face at the top of the corner her hair covering the screen until her mother brushed her hair aside. "I thought I dropped something."

"Drip is slang for style." Bailey informed.

"Okay, and what does it mean if they say they want to be a chair?" Quincy asked, remembering she had heard a few fans call this out during the same song at multiple shows.

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