Chapter 28: Family and Friends

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Taylor arrived at Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' home for dinner, accompanied by Quincy. The evening was warm and inviting, filled with the laughter of children and the aroma of a delicious meal being prepared. Quincy, dressed in casual attire, wore her leather jacket that still exuded her professional demeanour, followed Taylor inside.

"Hey, everyone!" Taylor greeted cheerfully as she entered, with Quincy slightly behind her. Blake greeted her with a warm hug and then turned to introduce Quincy to Ryan, who was busy setting the dining table with their kids.

"Ryan, this is Quin, Taylor's friend and bodyguard," Blake said with a smile, gesturing towards Quincy. "Quin, meet Ryan."

Ryan looked up from his conversation with the kids, his eyes immediately lighting up with genuine interest as he took in Quincy's presence. "Nice to meet you, Quin," he said warmly, extending his hand. "You look great, by the way, Blake wasn't lying." He added.

Quincy, a bit taken aback by Ryan's direct compliment on her looks and physique, managed a shy smile and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Ryan," she replied, her voice steady despite her slight nerves. "I admire your work," This had piqued Taylor's interest, wondering what of her friend's work she liked.

Taylor, who had observed the exchange with amusement, nudged Ryan with a roll of her eyes, earning a chuckle from her friend. She then turned her attention to the kids, who had rushed over to see who was at the door.

"This is Auntie Taylor's friends," Blake announced to her children. "Say hello to Quin."

Quincy knelt down gracefully on one knee to be at eye level with the children, her demeanour instantly calming and friendly. "Hi there," she greeted warmly. "It's nice to meet you all." She took the time to individually shake each one of their hands, and the other adults smiled amused at how small their hands were just enough to clutch her fingers.

The kids, excited to have a new guest, bombarded Quincy with questions and stories, which she listened to attentively. Answering and responding where she could and was given a chance to. Her ability to keep up with the kids had impressed the other adults.

Meanwhile, Taylor felt a rush of warmth as she watched the children interact with Quincy. She loved being their godmother and cherished moments like these, seeing their innocent joy. A part deeper inside loved seeing specifically how well Quincy was with them and how receiving they were of her.

Once the initial excitement settled, the kids turned their attention back to Auntie Taylor, rushing to hug her tightly and bombard her with an equal amount of stories and questions, mostly about her giant companion. Taylor hugged them back warmly, her heart swelling with affection. She glanced over at Quincy, who stood back with a soft smile, clearly enjoying the interaction as well.

As they moved towards the dining area for dinner, Taylor felt a sense of contentment. She was grateful for her friendship with Blake and Ryan and for the opportunity to introduce Quincy to this cherished part of her life.

She was hesitant at first, but Blake had insisted they had enough food, and it was a good way to send Quincy off on her short break, a thank you for looking after her so well. Taylor agreed, although Blake had been the one to invite Quincy, so she couldn't refuse.

The dining room was filled with laughter and chatter as Taylor, Quincy, Ryan, Blake, and their kids enjoyed dinner together. The table was a lively mix of conversations and the clinking of cutlery, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. Taylor was savouring a glass of wine, feeling relaxed in the company of good friends.

"That's kind of how her voice ended up on the album," Ryan bragged to Quincy about how his baby's voice was on his friend's album.

"I honestly thought Bailey was jesting when she said it was a kids voice," Quincy admitted, and the blonde actress immediately noticed the way the singer seemed to tense at the name.

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