Chapter 34: Behind the Guard and the Glamour

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Inside the venue, Taylor watched with a mixture of awe and pride. She saw how effortlessly Quincy managed the chaos, her calm presence a stark contrast to the frenetic energy around her. Other artists and celebrities also took note, impressed by Quincy's ability to maintain order while showing genuine concern for everyone's well-being.

A few journalists and photographers, sensing a story, began to focus on Quincy. Making sure to snap never before seen photos, trying to get her attention, but she was laser focused.

"Quincy! Can I ask you a few questions?" A journalist called above the crowd.

"Thank you for the interest, but I'm not the focus here." She gave a respectful nod before continuing on with her duties.

Taylor glanced around, searching for Quincy, Bailey, and Kelly. When she spotted them, she couldn't help but smile. She felt a mix of nerves and excitement. She hoped that meeting Bailey and Kelly would not only help her understand Quincy better.

The thought of meeting people who were so close to Quincy made her feel more connected to her bodyguard, despite the recent distance between them. She hoped it was true.

Quincy helped Bailey and Kelly out of the car and slipped them in behind the scenes to avoid too many pictures of them as both had said they didn't want to walk the carpet.

Inside, Quincy was standing protectively by Bailey's side, her eyes scanning the crowd. Bailey, dressed in the stylish outfit they bought together, looked both excited and a little nervous. Kelly was nearby, already chatting animatedly with some of the other guests.

Taylor made her way over to them, her heart pounding with anticipation. "Hi, Bailey, Kelly! I'm so glad you could make it."

Bailey's eyes lit up with sheer excitement, her face beaming. "Oh my gosh, Miss Swift! I can't believe I'm actually here. Thank you for inviting us. This is like a dream come true!"

Taylor laughed, feeling a warm connection forming. "Please, call me Taylor, I get enough Miss Swift from Quincy," she held her arms out, and Bailey happily gave her a hug, "I'm really happy you're here."

Bailey pulled out of the hug and turned to Quincy with wide eyes. "CC, this is amazing! Thank you so much for bringing me."

Quincy smiled, a rare look of pride and warmth on her face. "You're welcome, B. Enjoy yourself."

Kelly, meanwhile, had effortlessly integrated herself into a conversation with a group of people, her natural charm, and wit drawing them in. She turned to Taylor and greeted her warmly. "Taylor, thank you so much for inviting us. This is an incredible event."

Taylor smiled, appreciating Kelly's easy demeanour, a stark contrast to her bodyguard. "I'm glad you could make it, Kelly. It's great to finally meet you, I've heard about you two." Taylor gestured between them.

"All good things I know," Kelly offered a teasing smile while Bailey seemed nervous at the thought of her idol knowing of her.

"I hope," Bailey muttered.

Taylor sensed her nerves and placed a hand on the teenagers shoulder, "The greatest," she offered a kind smile, "Just the mention of you lights up Quincy's day."

Kelly had noticed that Taylor used her best friend's full name, she knew her friend always insited of the name Quin, which lead to her curiosity taking over and her focus shifting to the two taller women.

"Taylor!" Quincy heard a dancer call out.

"Miss Swift," Quincy gestured in the direction of the waving dancer.

"Come take a picture!"

Taylor smiled, lifted her dress, but stopped and turned to her bodyguard, "Quincy, will you join me?"

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