Chapter 30: Tensions and Tears

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Andrea had always been attuned to the subtle shifts in her daughter's mood. Lately, she had noticed Taylor being distant with Quincy. The bodyguard's steadfast presence, once a source of visible comfort for Taylor, now seemed to evoke a sense of unease. Andrea found the change both annoying and confusing, but she focused on ensuring that Quincy was well taken care of. Throughout the day, she made sure the bodyguard was hydrated and fed, often handing her bottles of water and snacks during breaks in rehearsal.

One afternoon, Andrea was in her makeshift office, a space used as a briefing room during rehearsals. She was reviewing some schedules when she heard raised voices from outside. She recognized Quincy's voice, tinged with an uncharacteristic sharpness.

"Ivan, this is unacceptable!" Quin snapped. "We've been waiting for over an hour already. How much longer until we get this wheel replaced?"

Ivan, the driver, sounded weary. "I'm doing my best, Quin. The repair team said it could be another hour. There's nothing I can do to speed it up."

Andrea stepped out of her office and approached the scene. Quin stood rigid, her jaw clenched, and eyes blazing with frustration. Ivan looked equally stressed, trying to manage the situation as best he could.

"Quin," Andrea interjected calmly, "Why don't you take a break? Ivan is handling it."

Quincy turned to Andrea, her eyes softening slightly, but the tension in her posture remained. "I just... it's important that everything runs smoothly. This delay is unacceptable."

Andrea placed a reassuring hand on Quincy's arm. "I understand, but getting upset won't fix the wheel any faster. Come inside, have some water, and take a moment to breathe."

Reluctantly, Quincy nodded and followed Andrea into the makeshift office. Andrea handed her a bottle of water and gestured for her to sit.

"Is everything okay?" Andrea asked gently, watching as Quincy took a long sip of water.

Quincy sighed, rubbing her temples. "It's just... everything needs to be perfect. Taylor's safety, the schedule—everything. And with her being distant lately, it's hard to gauge what she needs."

Andrea frowned. "Distant? What do you mean?"

Quin hesitated, then spoke quietly, "She's been avoiding me, not engaging like she used to. I don't know if I did something wrong or if she's upset about something."

Andrea considered this. "Taylor has a lot on her mind. Sometimes, she needs space to process things. But she values you, Quin. Don't doubt that."

Quincy nodded, but the doubt lingered in her eyes. "I just want to do my job well. Keep her safe... and happy."

"You do, Quin," Andrea assured her. "Just keep being there for her. She'll come around."

As Quincy finished her water, Andrea couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Taylor's distance. But for now, she hoped her words would provide some comfort to Quincy, who had become an indispensable part of their lives.

The delay with the wheel was being resolved, and the rehearsal resumed. Andrea kept a watchful eye on both Taylor and Quincy, determined to bridge whatever gap had formed between them.

Later that same day, Quincy received a call from Barbara, which was not out of the ordinary, but her timing was so the bodyguard excused herself from the makeshift briefing room and took the call.

"Quiny, dear, I'm so sorry to call while you're at work," Barbara jumped straight to an apology.

"Is everything okay?" Quincy would love to chat, but she didn't have the time, neither the interest at the moment.

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