Chapter 27: Questions Unanswered

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During a break in her busy schedule, Taylor decided to take a quick look at her social media. She logged into her account and immediately noticed a trending tag that included both her name and Quincy's. Curious, she clicked on it and found herself immersed in a sea of posts and threads about her and her bodyguard.

Taylor slipped into her dressing room for a moment of privacy, her curiosity piqued. As she scrolled through the posts, she saw countless fans discussing the dynamic between her and Quincy. What struck her most was the recurring theme of how much Quincy seemed to care for her beyond the duties of a bodyguard.

One post read, "Have you seen how Quin looks at Taylor? It's more than just a job to her. She genuinely cares."

Another thread was filled with gifs and photos capturing Quincy’s softer moments: a gentle hand on Taylor's back as she guided her into a car, a protective arm offered to steady her as she stepped out, and those subtle, yet intense looks exchanged between them.

Taylor's heart fluttered as she read through the comments. Fans were dissecting every small interaction, noting things she hadn't even been fully aware of herself.

"Did you see that look Quin gave Taylor when she was singing 'All Too Well'? That's not just professionalism, that's genuine affection."

"Quin always seems to be right there, not just physically but emotionally. It's like she's tuned in to Taylor's every move."

Taylor leaned back in her chair, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She had always known Quincy was exceptional at her job, but seeing these observations from her fans made her realize just how much Quincy truly did for her. The little gestures, the protective instincts, and the quiet moments of support were all part of a bigger picture she was only beginning to understand.

The fans’ insights made her reflect on her own feelings and the deepening bond she shared with Quincy. It wasn’t just about safety and duty anymore; it was about trust, care, and a connection that went beyond the professional realm.

As she continued reading, Taylor found herself smiling. The admiration her fans had for Quincy mirrored her own, and it was comforting to know they saw and appreciated the same qualities in her bodyguard that she did.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Quincy’s voice called out, "Taylor, we need to head back in a few minutes."

Taylor quickly closed the app and stood up, her mind still buzzing with everything she had just read. She opened the door to find Quincy standing there, as composed and attentive as always. For a moment, Taylor saw her through the eyes of her fans—strong, caring, and always there for her.

"Ready when you are," Taylor said with a smile.

Quincy nodded, her eyes softening. "Let us,"

As they walked back together, Taylor felt a renewed sense of appreciation for the woman by her side. She wasn't just her bodyguard; she was her protector, her confidante, and maybe, just maybe, something even more profound.


Has anyone else noticed how Quin is always so attentive towards Taylor? 😍 #BodyguardGoals

Quin sometimes lingering when she looks at Taylor. The care in her eyes is so evident🥰 #ProtectiveVibes

Quin is always so courteous, guiding Taylor with a hand on her back through the paparazzi. #TrueGentlewoman

Quin helping Taylor out of the car with such care... 👨‍🍳💋 #ChivalryIsNotDead

Quin is always so focused on Taylor, even when she's engaging with others 👀 #AlwaysAlert

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