Chapter 26: Midnight Moments

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Back at home after another late night of tucking Taylor into bed and overseeing the shift change, Quincy was ready to take a shower and sleep. As she walked into the living room, she found Bailey curled up on the couch, waiting for her.

Quincy sighed softly, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten. She took off her leather jacket and sat down next to Bailey, who immediately brightened up and asked her to wear the hoodie she had stolen from her so she could have Quincy's scent back in the fabric. Without questioning it, Quincy slipped into the hoodie, the familiar, comforting smell surrounding her.

Bailey looked up at her with wide eyes. "How was your day, CC?"

Quincy smiled, though it was a tired one. "I got up early, went to the gym Miss Swift, accompanied her to rehearsals, and got everything settled for our flight in the morning." She noticed that Bailey seemed a bit sad, so she added, "Miss Swift was in great spirits today. She even tried a new song during rehearsals, and it sounded amazing."

Bailey's eyes lit up a little. "Really? That's awesome!"

"Yeah," Quincy said, happy to see Bailey perk up a bit. "She's really excited about the upcoming shows."

Bailey hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Do you know anything about her new releases?"

Quincy shook her head gently. "I don't really work on that side of things for Taylor. My job is to keep her safe." She wanted to tell her goddaughter, but she didn't want to spoil any surprises she always worked so hard on.

Bailey fell silent, which was unusual for her. Sensing something was off, Quincy asked, "Hey, do you want to watch the 'Karma' music video with me?"

Bailey looked surprised, "You haven't seen it yet?" She sounded offended.

Quincy smiled sheepishly. "No, I haven't. I've been too busy. But we can watch it together."

Bailey's face lit up with excitement. "Yes, please!"

They spent the entire night on the couch, watching Taylor's music videos. Bailey enthusiastically explained the backstory and little details of each video, while Quincy listened intently, genuinely interested. As they watched, Bailey would occasionally glance at Quincy to see her reactions, thrilled to share these moments with her.

Quincy found herself relaxing more and more as the night went on. She marvelled at Taylor's creativity and talent, but more than that, she cherished the time spent with Bailey. It was a rare, peaceful moment amid the chaos of their usual routines.

Eventually, both of them grew sleepy. Bailey's head drooped onto Quincy's shoulder, and Quincy gently shifted to make them both comfortable on the couch. The last video ended, and the screen went dark, leaving the room in a soft, quiet glow.

As Bailey drifted off to sleep, Quincy wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. She took a deep breath, savouring the quiet and the warmth of Bailey's trust and affection. It was a simple, comforting moment, and for the first time in a long while, Quincy felt at peace.

The next morning, Quincy was gently awakened by the smell of freshly brewed coffee. She opened her eyes to see Kelly standing over her and Bailey with two steaming mugs.

"Morning," Kelly said with a warm smile. "Thought you two might need this."

Bailey groaned softly, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. "Thanks, Mom!" she said, taking her mug and jumping off the couch. "I gotta get ready for school!" She rushed off, leaving Kelly and Quincy to their coffee.

"I don't know where she gets all that energy so early," Quincy shook her head amused.

"Probably from sleeping," Kelly laughed. She loved having moments like this with her best friend. It was a reminder that they were both human.

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