Chapter 35: Homecoming and Healing

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While she had some time off, Taylor decided to visit her family in Nashville while her brother was in town. The two hadn't seen each other in ages and had made a day of it.

They started with a breakfast that Quincy had made them, Taylor felt a bit guilty not expecting her bodyguard to make extra breakfast when her brother slept over but then again she realised it was the only reasonable thing for Quincy to do, and to obviously make a fancy breakfast.

They spent a few hours in the yard playing Scrabble. Taylor was very invested in the game that had turned into Austin and Quincy teaming up against her and still losing.

The blonde spent a while bragging about her win, and Austin got to know Quincy a little more. Most of his questions brought Taylor no new insight, but she was surprised to see how gaurded, yet willingly, her bodyguard answered his questions.

She felt silly for never just sitting down and asking as her family had done.

Austin brought up that he had been craving lunch from the place he and Taylor used to go to, so they headed out within the half hour as Quincy had everything planned for their safety.

Quincy sat inside with Ivan, enjoying a meal with him. She told him she preferred this to the ship meals, to which he agreed wholeheartedly.

During the lunch, Quincy took a moment to look around, and when she saw a man, she squinted, believing she recognised him.

The man turned to look into the restaurant, which had Quincy on her feet before she could think better of it. "Ivan, take charge," she grabbed her jacket, slipping it on, "past calls."

She rushed out and took off after the man that Ivan recognised from old photos and understood immediately what she was on about.

Quincy called out when she got closer, "Excuse me!" She was racking her brain to find his name. "Junior?" She called a bit uncertain. "Murray? Murray Junior?" The man stopped short, turning to look at her.

Quincy stopped short in her pursuit. It was him. "Can I help you?" Murray asked a bit uncertain, not recognising the woman.

"It's Quincy, from high school." Quincy offered hesitantly.

His eyes widened in shock, "Quincy Loke?" Murray asked in disbelief.

She cringed at her father's last name, "That was my— yeah, it's me." She nodded.

"You look good," Murray offered, gesturing at her, and she felt small despite the rather drastic growth she's had since their last encounter.

He did also look much better, once a shy boy, now a confidant and happy man. "You look well too," she gestured with slight awkwardness.

"Dad, is this Quincy who you had to tutor?" The shorter woman with Murray asked.

"I'm sorry," Quincy held her hand out with hesitancy, eyes darting to Murray unsure if he would want her near his daughter. "I'm Quincy," she offered a small tentive smile.

"Yes, this is her," Murray nodded at the girl, "this is my daughter Everley." He placed a hand on her back gesturing at her to take Quincy's hand.

Quincy shook Everley's hand with the utmost gentleness.

Murray observed the woman closely, "You've changed," he noted.

"Yes," Quincy nodded. "I finally grew up," she admitted, recalling the words he had often said to her when they were younger.

Murray regarded her, he recalled she had a sister who oftenly pulled her out of fights amd parties, a father who was always drunk even at school events and a mother who was one of the nicest woman he had ever had the honour of meeting. "How is your family?" He asked, eyes soft.

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