Chapter 33: Guided by Compassion

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With Tree's directive clear, Quin turned her full attention to Taylor. When she left, the bathroom felt quieter, more intimate. Taylor ran her finger across Quincy's hand, tracing the veins gently. Just as she was about to touch one of Quincy's more recent scars, she pulled away, making Taylor pout.

"You need to drink water and remember how to walk in heels," Quin instructed, her tone firm yet caring.

Taylor waved her off. "I'm fine," she insisted, attempting to demonstrate her balance. However, her attempt ended in a slip, and Quin caught her once again.

Quin sighed, a mix of exasperation and amusement. "If you don't sober up, I'm going to carry you out of here like a bag of potatoes."

Taylor, still under the influence, smiled at the thought. "You could probably carry me with ease," she mused, then added with a mischievous grin, "but I'm not necessarily dressed for it," she gestured at her short dress.

Quin shook her head, "I need you to focus. Drink some water."

Taylor took the bottle Quin handed her and drank obediently, her eyes never leaving Quincy's face. "You know," she said, her voice softer, "you're really good at this whole bodyguard thing."

Quin raised an eyebrow. "It's my job."

Taylor's smile turned into a flirtatious smirk. "You're also really good at taking care of me, too."

Quin blinked, not immediately catching on. "Well," she gave a slow nod, "that's part of the job too."

Taylor rolled her eyes, the alcohol making her bolder. "You know, Quincy, you could be a little more charming."

Quincy looked at her, puzzled. "Charming? For?"

Taylor laughed, the sound filling the small space. "Yes, charming. But don't worry, you're doing just fine."

Quin smiled, amused, shaking her head. "Okay, let's see if you can walk in a straight line now."

Taylor, still smiling, nodded. She took a deep breath and steadied herself, feeling a bit more grounded. She walked a few steps, more stable this time. "See? I can do it."

Quin nodded approvingly. "Good job," she said, her tone both professional and warm, "Let's get you out of here."

Quin then escorted Taylor to the car, where Simon was busy warding off paparazzi. Navigating through the crowd, Quincy kept her hand on Taylor's back, guiding her firmly yet gently. Despite the chaos around them, Quin's presence made Taylor feel safe and steady.

As they reached the car, Quin held Taylor's hand to help her in, but Taylor slipped, her heel offering no grip or stability. Quin reacted instantly, catching Taylor by the waist and shielding her with her larger body to avoid the crowd seeing the star more than necessary. Taylor flushed red at the contact, feeling the warmth and strength of Quincy's hands on her.

Quin swiftly helped her into the car, ensuring she was safely inside before getting in herself. Ivan started driving, leaving the flashing lights and noise behind them.

Inside the car, Taylor placed a hand on her waist where Quincy had grabbed her. Quincy noticed this and immediately apologised. "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

Taylor shook her head, still blushing. "No, you didn't hurt me. I'm just... still a bit tipsy, I guess."

The nightlife outside provided the perfect cover for her flushed cheeks, and Quincy, sensing Taylor's embarrassment, didn't push further. Instead, she kept a watchful eye on Taylor, her mind racing with thoughts about the evening's events. The star's vulnerability had been laid bare, and Quincy felt a fierce protectiveness rising within her. She had to ensure Taylor's safety, both physically and emotionally.

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