Chapter 29: Silent and Deadly Struggles

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⚠️Please Note: this chapter contains triggering content, blood, death, and insinuated self- harm. Please do proceed with caution if any of this is triggering.⚠️

Quincy's days off were supposed to be a time of rest, but she found herself restless and plagued by endless nightmares. Each night, she woke up drenched in sweat, her heart pounding from the vivid memories that refused to let her go. During the day, she was dazed and distracted, jumping at the slightest sound.

Time off seemed to be her undoing as her mind no longer fixated on every move she had to make, everything planned by the minute, and someone to put all your attention on.


It was always cold in that grey chair. The cushion was for show, and it made her legs ache. Her green eyes had memorised the spots on the white floor by now, each square had around two hundred and fifty dots in it, except the one next to the bed with a crack, it had two hundred and twenty.

"CC," Bellamy, an almost exact replica of their mother Tayler, gripped her hand tighter to pull her attention away from the dreary tiles.

"What?" Quincy snapped. She was tired and scared, and her hair was stuck in her coat buttons, but her mother wasn't able to untangle them for her, so she left it as it was.

Bellamy's expression softened as she looked at her little sister. They were both teens, but she was older and tried to be the bigger person. The black eye Quincy was sporting a reminder of the tough week she's had. "I was asking if you wanted to join me for a cup of coffee?" The curly haired brunette was understanding. Her baby sister had their father's temper at a much less volatile scale, and their mother made sure of that.

Quincy scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest, "No," she rolled her eyes because she knew her sister knew she hated the hospital beverages, "It tastes what I imagine piss tastes like," Quincy murmured sinking into the uncomfortable chair.

Tayler, who had been half awake, spoke up, "Language," she knew it was hard on her daughters seeing her sick, but she wasn't going to let them behave like barbarians because of it.

"It does!" Quincy threw her hands up, frowning, eyes avoiding her mother, darting down when she saw her blue arms, bruised from the needles injected for all the blood transfusions.

Bellamy watched her mother struggle to take a deep breath. She clenched her jaw, looking at her bratty sister, "Well, at least I'm trying to help!" She snapped.

"Well, anything but hospital piss would work you damn genuis!" Quincy stood shoving the older brunette's shoulder.

"Quincy!" Her mother rushed to sit up but cried out in pain, the sudden movements making her burst in tears unable to resist showing her pain.

"Mommy!" Quincy turned hands reaching to try and help, but she froze when she saw them turn red, the blood seeping into the crevices and travelling up her wrists.

"You're the reason I'm so fucking miserable!" Bellamy shouted, no longer a teen, she was now a young adult. A time Quincy would now be older than her older sister.

Quincy looked up from her hands, still frantically shaking her hands, wiping them on her shirt. "I'm sorry," she nearly whimpered.

Bellemay shoved her, and when the younger brunette stumbled, she fell on her mother's corpse. "You're the reason mom is dead!"

Quincy looked up at her sister, shaking her head, Bellamy had crimson coloured wrists too, her skin turning paler by the second.

Frozen in horror, Quincy watched her sister sink to her knees, reaching a hand out, but she couldn't take it. Her hands were being held behind her back by her father.

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