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"Oh my god not again" I say as I try wipe

"fucking nerd" off with my sleeve. Then fiddle with my lock to try and open my locker. Once I turn towards the last number the locker pops open. I searched for my biology book by running my finger against the spins of my books. I land on the biology book just as soon as the warning bell fills the busy hall. I close the locker clicking the lock back. Then do a fast paced walk to get to my class in time.

Plopping down my bag next to my desk then sit facing the whiteboard watching the teacher write down today's target for today. But that gets old after two secoSwds and my eyes wander around the room and land on a certain someone.


Her deep brown eyes searching around the room to find anything entertaining while her soft hands fiddling with a pencil. She looks so perfect just literally doing nothing. She's also the nicest, caring amazing person I've ever met. She always has been nice to me but the rest of the school bullies me. She turns around to find me staring then gives a soft smile, I turn away flushing. Why does she have to be so adorable.

"Okay... Max! What is the system that pumps blood in and out of arteries called?" Mr. Lundy asks pointing his finger and my head shoots up "circulatory" I answer quickly. "Yes! Which also works along with the respiratory system" he turns towards the board and writes down the answer. He begins a lecture on all the different systems and what they do and how they work together. He passes out a worksheet over everything that he talked about.

Of course I got an 100. That's not really a surprise since I was a straight A student. But the rest of the class period I spend looking at Jane, with love sick puppy eyes.

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