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"fine..." my mom says finally. Me and Billy high five. We finally got my mom to let us go get ice cream after dinner. Billy was gonna drive me. Billy grabs his keys off of the counter in the kitchen. "Just be careful, there's been a lot of robberies lately!" My mom warns as we walk out the door.

We climb in the car. Billy turns the ignition, "can I play a song" I ask holding my phone ready to plug in the aux. "Oh my god!" Billy complains jokingly, "sure" he agrees.

"Yay" I mutter and plug in the aux. Billy looks at the song playing. "Oh come on" he complains. I nod smirking, "was it the best you ever had, was it the worst you've ever known?" I sing along to the lyrics.

I sing along to the song the whole way there.

We walk through the door and the temperature is a solid 15 degrees lower than outside. Should've brought a jacket,

I think while crossing my arms trying to keep in heat. "Ay, ima go take a leak. Can you order for me" Billy informs me while handing me his wallet. "Well what do you want?" I ask and he pauses. "eh, I don't really care. Surprise me" he says and leaves to the bathroom.

I walk up to the counter to the ice cream lady behind the counter. "Hello! what do you need today" the lady says in a cheery voice. I look up at the menu deciding what I want to get Billy. "I think I'll have two cookie doughs, please" I reply, the lady nods and turns to get the ice cream.

Then I see a man walk through the door. Looking pretty sketchy, he has his hands stuffed in his pockets and pulls out a bag. But the hand he's holding the bag with he has a 'don't tread on me' tattoo on his wrist. He then walks up to the counter, I had already moved out the way but I was still at the counter.

The lady turned around to serve the man. "I will get your order in a second, sir but you have to wait your turn" the lady kindly informs him. The man takes one hand out his pocket and gestures to the bag. " I don't want no ice cream" he mutters to the lady. "What?" The lady asks concern. "Put the money in the bag and I won't kill you" he mutters the lady starts emptying the cash into the bag. Then Billy walks out of the bathroom. Then looks up confused on what's happening.

He looks to me asking what's happening. "The place is getting robbed" I whisper. He nods and walks to the man near the counter. What the hell are you doing. "Hey buddy, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" Billy says pushing the man out of the way.

"Trust me man you don't want to do this" the man says his hand still in his pocket. "Nah man, I think I do" Billy says smugly. The man grabs the bag of money.

A gunshot fills the room.

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