almost caught

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 "I love you too" I repeat back to Jane, "love you more, love" Jane jokes referencing back to the note I wrote her.

I flush remembering that she remembers that. "oh shit, you remember that" I ask chuckling a little. "Of course I do, you were so cute. Why did you ask me if I have a boyfriend if you already knew me" Jane inquires, "I wanted to see if you liked saturn, you know the only reason I started helping people was because of you. I wanted you to think that she was cool. So I could say you definitely liked one part of me." I explain, "but you're already so cool" Jane argues. She always has this lovesick attitude when she with me.

"well, I didn't know you thought that at the time" I add, jane nods at the new information she just got. "I think this is already obvious, but I think you should take a break from saturn-spider" Jane offers sincerely, I don't want to quit spidey. As much as I hate Saturn, I don't think I could ever give up the thrill of swinging in the city, and saving people. All the publicity is also a nice bonus.

"Why do you look like... you don't want to do that?" Jane asks with her eyes narrow.

"i mean," I trail off not wanting to answer her question. "Max," Jane backs up asking, making sure I don't put on the suit again. "It is kinda fun" I talk out the side of my mouth. Saying it like it's something crazy.

"Did you not just hear everything you just said. You are going to take a break" Jane demands putting down my hands on the floor. "Oh my god, dude!" I say throwing my head back like a 13 year old boy that just got grounded. "Okay mom" I joke with a smirk on my face.

"It's not that bad, it's not like I'm telling you to go into a fucking meat grinder. I'm just asking for your mental health. I don't want you to go down another spiral again" Jane defends her argument with her hands out. I stand up off the floor pacing again covering my face with my hands out of frustration.

"Well then I'll just be more careful then." I try defending it's not working, she's dead set on protecting me.

Jane stands up to meet my eyes, I can't place what expression she has, maybe just a protective one. "No you will not be more careful, because you are not going anywhere" Jane points out. She sounds like a dad that just caught their kid sneaking out.

I scoff, "you're not my mom. you don't control me" I back away from her. "I know that max, but I'm not gonna let you get hurt again" Jane sits me back down to the bed. Grabbing my hand again, she really likes to grab my hand. "I mean is it that bad? All I'm asking you to do is just a break, you don't have to quit or anything. Just a mental break" Jane explains.

I still don't like it, but Jane is probably the only one who could convince me otherwise.

"pleaseee" Jane put her head on my shoulder looking up at me. I look down to her noticing how close our faces are. "what?" I ask quietly wondering what she's doing. Jane squints her eyes, "your face is looking really kissable right now" Jane points out nonchalantly. "well then do something about it" I demand smirking. Jane giggles and her cheeks have a slight red tint.

Jane smiles and takes her head off my shoulder then kisses me. But she stays this time. Her hand leaves mine to grab my bicep,squeezing it when she realized I actually put some muscle on. Jane lets me down on the bed getting on top of me again. I grab her waist, felt so nice to do that after all this time. Though my hands travel down her waist slowing going under her shirt. Jane makes a slight noise when she feels my hands touching her bare waist.

The noise surprises me, and it just makes me want to kiss her more. Jane runs her hand through my hair playing with it almost, but she just holds my head to kiss me harder.

I wish it could've gone farther but my spidey senses helped me notice my dad was home. Probably drunk, I wasn't technically supposed to be home right now.

I pull away from Jane, her face confused with what was wrong. "aw, fuck~" I mutter Jane rolls off of me as I sit up. "what's wrong?" Jane asks fixing the end of her shirt. I smile slightly remembering my hands on her waist. But the dad thought takes back over "my fucking dads home, we technically aren't supposed to be here right now". I get up to lock the door, "now, he shouldn't come in here. But if he does you need to be dead quiet" I warn Jane, shoving her into my closet. "Why did we have to stop kissing for this?" Jane asks annoyed.

"Oh, calm your horny ass down. And if we get caught kissing or something more. I don't even know what the fuck he would do, I really don't wanna risk you getting hurt" I explain and try to shut the door but Jane stops me before I can close the door. "Why aren't you coming in" Jane asks quickly, "one, it's definitely not big enough for both of us. Two, if one of us is going down it's gonna be me" I could see Jane had a million questions. But I slam the door before she can ask me anything.

Like it was staged my dad try's to open the door. I try to act normal and jump on the bed and open tiktok.

I keep my eyes on the door knob turning a little by him trying to get in. A lock on the door is basically useless because you can unlock it from the outside. My dad bursts through the door almost black out drunk. "W-what are you d-doing here?" His words were slurring with the occasional burp in the middle of his sentences. I look up from my phone trying to look unfazed as I can. "School let out early, so I just came home. Like I usually do." I carry out the sentence trying to make as believable as I can. Though I didn't really have to try because he was drunk after all.

He looked around the room, not believing a word I said but going along with it. I glance to the closet where Jane is hiding. "Okay... I'm g-gonna go take a n-nap. Don't do a-anything stupid, s-shit bird" he looked around the room then slammed the door.

I sighed, thanking the lord that, that went well. I waited a bit to wait if he would burst in here again to catch me doing something. Thankfully he didn't so I jumped off the bed, and opened closet door.

"Damn max, you weren't kidding" Jane says coming out of the closet. "yeah, sorry you had to hear that" I grab her hand pulling her out of the way gently so I could close the closet door. I looked over to the tv where mario kart was still on. Mario music had been playing this whole time.

"He said that he was gonna take a nap, so we have about four to five hours to do what we want to" I say glancing over to the window. Despite the trashy ass family the view was amazing, you could see the whole city.

We were really just bored, and i was kinda tired from having like five mental breakdowns in the last two weeks. "we could just take a nap too, honestly." I offer Jane but didn't seem that tired. "whatever you want" Jane agrees to just take a nap.

We climb onto the bed, it was a full bed but we still ended up spooning each other. The only reason I probably fell asleep is because of Jane.

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