sexual tension

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"Max! Max! Wake up" Jane's voice wakes me up. My vision is disoriented the ceiling is swirling and Jane's face is all disproportionated but I can still tell it's her. My eyes flicker. Jane says something to the group looking at me. "W-what happened" I say confused I try to sit up but Jane pushes me back down gently. "You passed out for like 10 minutes." Jane informs me relieved I'm not dead. "oh.." I mutter, "everyone give her some space" Jane yells to the group around me and they scatter.

Next thing I know I'm in the nurses office on some shitty bed. With Jane sitting from across from me. "What happened?" Jane ask me concerned. "a-all I know is that I smoked s-some weed, like bad weed. Then I p-passed out" I struggle to get out that sentence because my spidey sense is still a little whacky. "Max! What did I tell you about that" Jane scolds, "if you hadn't taken my g-good weed I w-wouldn't be here r-right now" I argue. Jane sighs and drops the subject"I'm just glad you're okay, at least. But what caused you to pass out" Jane asks curiously,

"I don't k-know, it felt like a m-migraine but like twelve times w-worse" I explain scratching my head. "but c-can I have my w-weed back" I plead wanting my drug back.

"Oh my god max, no! You're not getting any of your drugs back" Jane stands up frustrated. "I need you to understand that those can stunt your brain development and is just overall bad for your health, it not even the drugs. It's the fact you don't tell me anything. You're always getting hurt, high, or just being overall shady. Just fucking talk to me." Jane is mad obviously, but she's also very worried.

I want to talk to her about everything, but I can't. The amount of criminals I've beaten to a pulp, who would really love to know my identity or the ones of the people I love. If my identity got out it could kill me or Jane, I don't want to risk that. Also if I just tell her I plan to kill Dennis. She'll just talk me out of it not knowing what I can do.

Jane gestures for me to say something, anything. "Why h-haven't you been t-talking to me?" I ask in my same deadpan tired voice I've picked up since Billy died. "It didn't seem like you wanted to talk to me. I just wanted to give you some space." Jane says shrugging, and sits down next to me. Then grabs my hand, oh no she gonna ask me something. "You know that the 100 folds on a chefs hat resembles the amount of ways to cook an egg" Jane says, I giggle looking back to Jane. "I missed that" Jane says vaguely. My eyes narrow "missed what?" I ask already knowing the answer, "your laugh" Jane says smiling. I smile back at her getting a little red noticing we're still holding hands, I don't let go though. Jane interlocks our fingers, I look down at our interlocked hands then back at the perfect girl sitting next to me. But something's different I notice a tension, not awkward or tense. It's sexual.

Jane conforms this by looking at my lips and being very obvious with it. Then she's leaning in and I am too. Oh my god, I'm finally gonna kiss her. Our lips are just about to touch, the moment I've been waiting for, for two years now. Just before we connect the nurse bursts through the door with a clipboard her face looking like she interrupted something.

The nurse fucking cock blocked me.

We instantly break apart both of our cheeks flushed. Our hands still interlocked. "Oh my bad! I didn't mean to interrupt you lovebirds" the nurse teases and sits down in her rolls chair. We both stammer trying to explain that we aren't girlfriends.

"Oh no, she's not-" Jane tried to frantically explain. "Yeah, we're not-" I do the same thing. The nurse gave us a glare looking at our hands. Still interlocked, if I was her I would think we were dating.

We immediately let go of each other's hand. The nurse motions for Jane to sit back on her chair, Jane gets up and sits back to her chair while the nurse ask me various questions. Like 'did you eat enough' and 'have you had enough sleep' which I haven't been very good at either but I lie. Jane can definitely tell I'm lying.

The nurse asks me where I got the black eye from. I stutter trying to think of a good reason, Jane steps in. "She got hit with a Wii remote" Jane says for me. I narrow my eyes at the randomness of that but the nurse believed it.

"I'm gonna have to send you home." The nurse states after writing something down on her clipboard. Then she gets up to walk over to the phone. "What are you doing?" I ask, "calling for someone to get your stuff" the nurse answers. "I already got it" Jane chimes in gesturing towards my bag in the floor. How the fuck did I not see that?

The nurse nods and puts back the phone. "Thank you" the nurse thanks her and Jane nods. 

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