meet cute

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Jane hands me my backpack, half heartily smiling. I furrow my brow slightly asking why, but she doesn't answer. My dad was picking me up. We haven't really talked after Billy.

His eyes had bags under them and he was wearing a sweatshirt with sweatpants. "Hey" he says coldly staring in front of him. He's clearly a little drunk. "Why are you picking me up" I ask staring out the window. "Your mom isn't home, probably out sucking another guys cock" he says still distant but with a little anger mixed. "Don't talk about her like that. I'm sure you're not any better" I retort.

"Don't fucking get smart with me, young lady" now he's mad. "Oh, now you show some emotion" I growl. We haven't even left the parking lot yet, and we're already fighting. He doesn't respond to my little comment. We both stay quiet the rest of the car ride home.

"Get out shit bag" my dad says slamming the car door getting out the car. I ignore him most of the time, that's how I learned how to survive here. Don't talk, don't engage just ignore.


That night I continued looking for Dennis. It not like I could sleep anyways. But on the way to the usual spots. I see Jane walking around in the dead of night. Why is she out here this late? Should I go talk to her, see how she would react to meeting saturn. "hello!" I swing cheerily down in front of her and land in classic spider landing.

She's scared at first. But she eases up when she realizes I'm not gonna hurt her. "What are you doing out here so late?" I ask curiously. I'm a totally different person with the suit. I'm a cooler more charismatic version of my self. But I do have to deepen my voice a little so she doesn't realize it's me.

"I guess I'm not doing much, just trying to get my mind off of someone" my ears perk up. Is that someone me? I ask more questions. "Well what happened?" I ask walking along with her. "I don't really know. I keep trying to tell her that she means a lot to me but she keeps rejecting me. But when she doesn't it seems like she loves being around me" Jane vents. She definitely talking about me.

I think of how to respond to that. "Maybe she doesn't think that anybody's wants her. Maybe she's doesn't know how to handle all the affection she's getting suddenly. Or has been starved from... just guessing" I say trying to talk for myself also not ratting my self out.

Jane looks like she thinking about that considerably. "thanks" Jane thanks me. "who are you anyway?" Jane changes the subject. I think for a second deciding what to tell her.

"Saturn-spider" I answer. Jane nods, " well duh, but like how did you decide that name, seems unique" Jane asks. "I just really like Saturn, and my powers are like a spider." I clarify. "I have a friend who likes Saturn" Jane adds. I cock my head in curiosity, "how you know that?" I question. "they are always talking about the fun facts about it. I think it's cute" Jane responds dreamily. She thinks I'm cute.

"why are you up so late?" Jane questions. "I can't really sleep, I'm looking for someone anyways." I say as I shove my hands into my baggy pants. "Who are you looking for" Jane asks. "it's something personal" I don't want to say 'oh I'm looking for the person who killed my brother, then I'm gonna kill them. Anyway can I get your number' I feel like that would be a turnoff.

Jane drops the subject. I lift up my mask so you can only see the tip of my nose and mouth, to eat a granola bar. Jane giggles. "what?" I ask my mouth still kinda full. "I just didn't think saturn-spider eats granola bars" Jane admits. I put my hands on my hips sarcastically. "Am I just that scary?" I jokingly ask. "no, no, you're fine" Jane conforms still giggling. "How old are you?" Jane inquires.

"14" I respond. She looks like she doesn't believe it. "No fucking way.." Jane conveys flabbergasted. "what is it that hard to believe" I ask sincerely. "You just sound older." Jane points out. "Well, I can't have you knowing who I am. Can I?" I say obviously. "Is it hard being that young with all that power." Jane inquires. I shrug "it's not that bad, it sucks when you have migraines" I add. I can see the gears turning in her head. Maybe I let on too much, but I don't care anymore.

"do you have a boyfriend" I ask knowing the answer, but I wanted to see if she'll bite. "no I don't, why? Are you interested" Jane asks slightly teasing me. I don't mind if she's lying about Mike though it would be so cool to say to his stupid face. "Ha-ha I beat your ass and stole your girl. Fucking loser".

"maybe." I answer vaguely. I pull out a piece of paper and a pen from the backpack I always carry around when I go out. "here is my number" I say as I scribble it down. Then fold the paper and hand it to her. "I don't want to go but I have to go find someone, it was lovely meeting you" i grab her hand and kiss it. I see her blush and slightly smirk. "you're cute" Jane says smiling. "you're cuter" I say quickly and swing away.

I know I won't be able to see her reaction to what I wrote. Of course I wrote my number, also 'get home safe, love.'

with a drawn heart next to it.

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