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I just walked out of mathematics and Jane pops up beside me. "Hey, did you hear about that person in the city last night it's all over instagram" Jane says in sweet tone, regardless my eyes widen. "wait, wait what?" I ask my eyes narrowing. I guess it's cool people are noticing me but that's makes me a target. Who the hell is gonna target me though, I haven't technically done anything yet. I know I will though.

"Yeah, there was this person like swinging around with ropes or something" Jane conforms, she even pulls out her phone and shows me a video of me swinging around. I do have to give myself some credit, because I look fucking awesome.

"Do people know who that was?" I point to the screen but Jane puts it back in her backpack sleeve. "No, no one knows who that was, but I think who ever it is, is probably really cool. Imagine being able to do that, must be so fun" Jane says smiling. My head perks up, Jane thinks I'm cool. "I bet it is" I say pretending not to know anything about this mysterious spider person.

Jane gives me a hug goodbye as she turns into her classroom we were walking to. She always does the same thing when she hugs me. She wraps her arms around my waist and slightly hold on to my waist when pulling her arms back. At this point I'm thinking it's not coincidence. Which I'm perfectly fine with.

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