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"What's wrong" Jane asks concern. I glance around the room. I can't get the people I've hurt out of my head, or let get hurt. Billy, Dennis, my mom, my dad, Jane there are so many people I've hurt. Peoples lives I've ruined. I'm the reason Billy died. I'm the reason for everything bad in my life. Im such a horrible person, I've fucking killed people and for what? To maybe bring back someone's who dead.

Jane is now really concerned she's fully sat up. My heads spinning, my palms are sweating, it feels like I can't breathe. Jane's voice fades in and out. Trying to get me out of this trance I'm in. I look down at my hands and they're covered in blood again, but whose is it? Mine, Billy's, Dennis's I can't tell. I'm back in the alleyway suddenly, but a scarier version of myself has Jane held as a hostage, everything i was afraid of happening has happened. No, no, no, get me out of here I don't know where I am but I don't wanna stay.

I change places now I'm in the ice cream shop. Billy getting shot is in a constant loop. "Max! Please talk to me!" Jane's voice fades back in, I see a hole in the memory it's like a window to the real world. Jane's trying to shake me out of whatever I'm in. That reminds me, this isn't real. None of this is real, this is just some fucked up version of the real world. I repeat that phrase in my head. This is not real, this is not real, you're in a dream.

It's not real.

The real world fades in my vision as the fake dream sequence fades out. I see Jane in front of me with both hands on my shoulders. Her face is puffy and red like she's been crying. "Jane?" I ask narrowing my eyes not sure if this is still in my head. "Yeah, it's Jane." Jane conforms, then grabs my hand. My face is wet, was I crying too?

"Max are you okay? Tell me what's going on. I don't care if you think I'll understand it or not just let me in" Jane demands holding my hand tight. What would really happen if I told her. Would she be weirded out by my powers or be mad at me for lying to her. I look at my hands, which are not covered in blood.

"you promise you won't tell anyone, like no one. Not your parents, not your friends just between me and you. Because of this information gets out it puts me and you and all our friends and family in danger." I warn Jane. Her face lights up because I'm finally opening up, but quickly turns back to seriousness and adjusts herself on the bed. "I promise"

I amp my self up to tell her, I open my mouth but it goes dry. "I'm.." I try to speak but the words are dying in my mouth. "could I just show you?" I ask desperately. Jane nods and I get off the bed. I pace for a second fiddling with my fingers then walk over to my desk open the bottom drawer dig under a couple books then pull out the web shooters.

Walk back over to the middle of the room snap on the web shooter, point my arm at the wall. Then put down my two middle fingers 

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