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As I walk through the hall to lunch with my headphones lil peeps driveway blasting in my ears. I think about Jane. How Jane hasn't talked to me since our fight. I think about how Jane definitely won't sit with me in lunch. Which brings me to the thought of her sitting with me the first day I was here. I moved here in the sixth grade, no one talked to me except Jane. She was my first friend here.

My thoughts turn to Dennis though, I've been looking the past couple nights haven't found anything but I'm so, so, tired. Just mentally and physically exhausted, I wish I could talk to Jane about this. I wish I could talk to anyone about any of this Saturn-spider shit.

I go through the lunch line grabbing the shitty food they serve but it's the only food I really get any more since the family fell off we don't do dinner anymore. I should've done more, I should've helped Billy. I should've just fucking killed Dennis right then and there. For fucks sake I'm way more powerful than Billy, why didn't I step in. Why did I just stand there? I could've just knocked out Dennis. Then everything would be right again.

I look over to mikes table, and there's Jane. She looks happier than usual, she even talking to mikes stupid friends and laughing. is she happy now that's she's not talking to me? I would be, maybe she was just lying about caring and it just some sick prank.

I stuff some shitty ass taco in my mouth hoping to get some nourishment from it. I give up on the taco and just go to the bathroom to smoke a blunt. I have to use different weed because Jane took the good kind

This weed does something really weird to my powers, my spidey senses are turned up all the way. The lights are too bright, I'm in the lunch room so the volume sounds like a concert speaker is being blasted right into my ear. Every step I take the buzzing that usually happens to warn me is way more extreme and constant now. I stumble my way out the bathroom every step I take hurting like hell.

I remember where a janitor closet is in the lunchroom, but before I get to it I black out.

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