tickle fight

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I don't talk to anyone in school but people talk to me. Technically person, specifically Jane. I honestly think Mike really hates me now, he kept on giving me really dirty looks. "max, you wanna know something" Jane asks me. I nod but I'm just trying not to fall asleep. At this point I had been doing a publicity stunts like interviews the city had came to love me a lot, it has made me so tired. Reminding me it would be dangerous if my identity got out.

"I got Saturn-spiders number, look what she even wrote me" Jane pulled out the note giddily. Which made me smile knowing she was this excited at what I wrote for her. "she's such a flirt" Jane seemed way too excited about this for a girl in a relationship. "Sorry to intrude on this, but don't you have a boyfriend" I remind her, and her face drops as if she forgot. "eh, I'm gonna break up with him anyway" Jane said nonchalantly still looking at the note. But this was everything to me, I'm finally gonna have a chance with her. Then not feel bad about it.

She noticed my excitement and smirked "why are you so happy about that?" Jane questions already knowing the answer. "no reason" I responded while looking around the lunchroom. "you're so adorable" Jane points out then uses her arm to hold her face up like a kick stand and smiles. "you're adorable...er" I reply, Jane giggles and blushes.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I ask mischievously. "What you mean" Jane asks obviously wanting too. "We can go back to my house, we can just skip school. Who's making us stay" I point out. "Fine.." Jane says giving in.

I open the door to my house. My parents are probably at work I don't really know where they are but I don't really care. All I care about is Jane.

I lead her to my room, "like what do you want to do?" Jane asks our hands interlocked. "you wanna play mario kart?" I ask remembering I have a switch I haven't touched in years. Which is also conveniently sitting next to my tv ready to be played on. "sure, but I've never played" I set her down on my bed while I get the controllers. "you've never played?" I ask surprised, "never had a switch" Jane shortly answers I leave the conversation at that.

"How do you keep on beating me? This isn't fair" Jane pouts dropping the controller. "How about next time we play I'll try less" i offer, Jane looks at me with a sour look. "not helping" Jane looks so cute when she all pouty. "I mean I'm obviously better than you" Jane complains. "No you are not" I argue. "Yuh-uh" Jane retorts,"Yeah, real mature" I tease Jane gives me a look then just jumps on me tickling my sides.

I try to protest between my giggles but it's useless. We roll around taking turns tickling each other. Jane ends up on top of me

We stop for a second then I realize how close she is, the sexual tension is back. Jane's wavy hair is dangling near my face. I notice of the perfections about her you can only see up close. "you're so beautiful" I whisper thinking out loud. Jane giggles, "you're beautiful too" Jane whispers back. Her eyes trailing down to my lips. Then leans in,

This time theres no one to interrupt us, just us on my bed. When we connect our lips it's everything I thought it would be and more. It full of longing that built up for two years. Jane pulls away slowly still laying on top of me.

I stammer trying to find something cool to say, "wow" I manage. Jane laughs and rolls off of me. "You're so funny" Jane points out. I roll over to face her, I furrow my brow wondering if I did something wrong. Jane doesn't respond just giggles.

I do feel a bit better but I still feel fucking shitty when I remember Dennis. Jane notices and stops laughing.

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