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Richard's POV

When she walks in elegantly, her hair falling softly around her shoulder and her heels making a clacking sound, my entire body becomes still.

I am almost on my toes to catch up with her, glad at the coincidence when something stops me.


He stands up with a wide grin on his face. I feel a sudden flare of rage as I watch, but Trevor taps me from behind.

“Richard, what's the matter?” "Richard, what's the matter?" he asks, prompting me to return to my client. We were supposed to meet last night, but it got rescheduled because he had to fly out for an impromptu conference, making our meeting impossible.

We are here on a Saturday noon, sitting by the window to avoid distractions, in order to finalize our deal.

I wondered why he asked us to meet here at first, but the moment I saw Arabella walking in, I bless him in my heart.

I turn back to the duo, flashing smiles at each other. Trevor taps me again, his gaze following mine.

“You know them?” He asks questions out of curiosity.

Quickly, I grab his hands. “Trevor, thank you for asking me to come here. Do me a favor by sending the template to my office first thing in the morning. We have a deal already.”

I forcefully shake his hand and walk back to the table to grab my phone, ignoring the surprise on his face, before walking towards Arabel and Fernando, hoping Trevor won't be offended.

He won't understand my plight.

My ex-wife is seated over there with my friend's best friend, who looks like he is ready to devour her any minute.

It makes my pulse spike. Both in anger and jealousy. My mouth tightens as I realize jumping in on them means ruining their date.

Arabel will be mad.

She doesn't want anyone to know that we know each other. Making an appearance would mean admitting we know each other.

I don't care what Fernando thinks; in fact, that is what I want him to think, but I do care about what Arabel thinks.

Remorseful, I turn back, relieved that no one has noticed me. I return my gaze to the table where Trevor and I sat two minutes ago, only to discover his disappearance, as I had hoped.

Decidedly, I grab a seat, two tables away from Arabel and Fernando, careful not to show my face and pretending to be on my phone as I lean my head down while listening in on their conversation.

After eating, he begins the epistle. A fake love epistle.

It doesn't have to be an epistle before a woman accepts a man. What matters isn't how long or lengthy your words are, but the sincerity in your heart.

Action, they say, speaks louder than voice.

As soon as he unveils the red box, my heartbeat quickens and I quickly stand up.

As I fix my gaze on the box, fear grips my whole being.

Is he proposing? That scumbag wants to propose? Will she accept? Does she like him?

He opens it, but I can't see what is in it as desperation seeps through me. Quietly, I slip closer, thinking of how best to ruin the moment and stop her from saying a word.

Whatever comes out of Arabel's mouth now is going to answer the question he is throwing at her.

“I like you so much, Bella, and I would love you to be my girlfriend!” The last statement catches my attention, and my eyes bulge wide open.


I step forward, determined to do just about anything to stop whatever is about to happen.

She can't. Arabel is mine. Her heart is mine. She can't accept him. Fernando isn't who he seems to be. She can't accept him.

Her hesitation makes me pause again, and a thrill shoots up my spine when I think of that as an answer. Being silent meant just one thing; it's a no.

But the moment she opens her mouth to speak, I rush forward, uncaring about my assumption of her wanting to say no.

And I ruin it. Beautifully.

“Richard, what are you doing here?” She demands, looking scared and surprised.

“Coincidence, I guess!” I shrug nonchalantly, uncaring about how she rolls her eyes at me, probably to signal to me to disappear or to indicate she doesn't believe this is a coincidence. “I had a meeting with a client.”

She doesn't look convinced. She clenches her jaws, looking pissed.

Finally, I spare Fernando a glance. He is still sitting, but he appears furious.

“Richard, this is a conversation between us. You have no right to barge in on us and interrupt, ok?”

“Ok, Mr. Fernando, but she can't be your girlfriend!” I note it with a tone of disdain.

“Richard!” Arabel snaps at me, making me turn my attention back to her. Even though she appears upset, she still looks beautiful and hot.

I feel like grabbing her and taking her with me while Fernando stands there like a fool that he is.

“I won't let him fool you!” I point a finger at him, and she hits my finger away.

“Don't create a scene, Richard. Go!” She orders, gritting her teeth so as not to arouse suspicion from others that this is about to turn into a fight.

“No, I am going with you.” I insist stubbornly, earning another glare from her. Fernando isn't saying a word, and I think he will try to defend himself.

Arabel is too pissed to ask what I mean, either.

“Richard, this is strictly between Fernando and me. You were not invited, so please excuse us!” She snaps again, but I won't budge. I stand rigid, staring daggers at Fernando, who has a light smile of victory on his face.


Satisfactorily, Fernando leans backwards and folds his arms around his shoulder, anticipating some drama.

I am resisting the urge to move closer, punch him in the face, or kick him out before forcing Arabel to hear everything I know about him.

Suddenly, she rises up with a flicker of emotion on her expression as she faces me squarely. “If you won’t leave, I will.”

Then she tries to walk past me, but I am quick to grab her hand, careful not to hurt her.

“Let go of me!” She yells, uncaring about the attention we are beginning to attract, which she was obviously trying to avoid earlier. “Let go of me, Richard!”

I don't want to let go because I don't want to incur her wrath, so I release my hold on her arm before she glares at me with an icy expression.

Without hesitation, she walks past me to the elevator without saying goodbye to either myself or Fernando.

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