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Arabel's POV

“Arabel, what happened?” His expression hardened, signifying how worrisome he is becoming.

Firstly, I arrived unannounced and in tears. I am not with Daisy. His head must be racing with wild and silly imaginations.

“I…I…I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to…I'm fine.” I find myself stuttering, admitting the turmoil inside of me.

“Are you okay?" Is Daisy fine?” He demands again impatiently, unable to keep calm.

To stop him from worrying, I nod. “Yes, we are fine. Daisy is in school, and I am here instead of going to the office."

“Ok?” He urges me to go on.

Avoiding his exposed chest so I can at least focus on what brought me here, I gulp down nervously before announcing. “I had a dream. A terrible nightmare.”

He doesn't say a word. He is just staring at me with an expression that tells me to go on.

“It was so scary, Richard. I wanted to call you, but I held myself back…”

“Why didn't you?” He cuts me short with a grim look on his face, showing his displeasure at my refusal to call when I needed him.

I shrug. “I didn't want to disturb your sleep. It was 3 a.m. in the morning, and I wasn't in my right frame…”

"Who told you I was sleeping? I have insomnia, remember?” He reminds me, making me recall what the doctors in Germany said about his state when he fell off the staircase.

I didn't know until then.

“For how long?” I ask him out of curiosity. When we were married, he wasn't that way. Well, he was awake most nights to keep up with his work as the emerging CEO of his father's company, but he never had insomnia.

He stares hard at me and asks. “What else happened after you had the nightmare?”

Why is he avoiding my question? Does this have anything to do with our divorce?

“Didn't you get any medications for insomnia? Are they not working?”

“What was the dream about?” He inquires, ignoring my question about his condition again.

Sighing deeply, I answer him. “It was Alex. He shot me, you, and Daisy. I'm afraid sleeping in there will never be the same again. The image just keeps repeating itself in my head. I am so scared.”

His hand touches my shoulder, sending a thrill down my spine.

“Do you trust me?”

Meekly, I nod without giving it any thought. What is there to think about when I have no one else to run to? What is there to think about when he is the father of my child and he is involved in this as well?

We are both involved in this, so trusting him is a necessity.

“Nothing is going to happen to you or Daisy. If you don't feel comfortable there, you can move here or perhaps go back to New York, where I can monitor you two well enough.”

I don't want to go back to New York. Not when we are staying next to each other.

“What about you? If nothing is going to happen to Daisy and me; what about you?” I ask with fear, skating my expression.

A smile leaves his lips as he rises up, showing me a clear view of his chest, which is dried up already. His hair is still wet. And he looks more masculine than I ever remember.

“You don't need to worry about me. But I've got you both covered. As long as you are fine, then I am as well.”

Feeling much better with the memory of the nightmare gradually fading from my mind, I stand up too. “Your insomnia. Why are you avoiding any questions about it?”

“It's no longer something I dread anymore, Arabel, so you have nothing to worry about,” he mentions and walks forward.

I follow. “Why? Why is it no longer dreadful, and when did this start? You didn't have insomnia when we were married…” I trail off, realizing where the whole conversation is leading now.

He halts. His body is tense.

Slowly, he turns around, making me jerk backward for fear of slamming myself into his chest.

A smile touched his lips, but it didn't reach his eyes. “It started after the divorce. I no longer find it dreadful because I now have you in my life. I don't feel any regret anymore because you are back to me, and this time, I will never let you go no matter what you say or do. I will keep chasing you till the end of the world. My insomnia is working to my benefit because I have more time to think about all these and even more. What you and I will do together as couples. What you, I, and Daisy will do together as a family. What gifts I will buy you to show you just how much you mean to me. What I will do to explain why people say actions speak louder than voices? What I will do to show you what I feel for you instead of letting you hear the love word, which you hate. What I will do to wipe every damn tear you have shed because of me and replace them with that beautiful smile of yours where your sparkling white teeth will be on display. What I will do to you…”

He is stepping towards me, and my heart continues to beat louder and louder as he speaks.

When he stops, it feels as if my heart has stopped too. My breathing has also hitched. My trembling has halted. My gaze is unwavering, daring him to finish his sentence.

“What will you do?” I summon up the courage to challenge him to finish up.

A sardonic smile leaves his lips as he steps closer. I take a heavy step backwards until my back hits the wall, and he cages me in.

His strong, muscular arms are on both my left and right sides, holding onto the wall for support as he gazes upon me like a predator would stare at his prey.

Inching his lips closer, I almost think he wants to kiss me, and I am debating whether to allow him or not when his breath fans my neck as he whispers in my ears.

“What I will do to you every night when we kiss.”

My eyes widen in shock, and my heart stops.

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