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Arabel's POV


“Ashley?” They both embrace each other, and I watch with a smile on my face. Ashley stands upright to embrace me after they finish pecking each other's foreheads.

“I thought you would never do that,” I say with a tone of humor, and she gets the clue by laughing.

“I missed you two,” she pouts when she disengages from the hug.

I jokingly glare at her. “Are you sure? You remained for an entire month instead of the originally planned two weeks on your honeymoon, yet you still claim to miss me. Don't let me get envious of Caleb already.”

Before entering, we hug each other once more amidst laughter. Ashley and Caleb's new home is lovely. It is just like the mansion where Richard and I got married, but not as big.

Ashley guides us to the dinner, where Cable enters with a dashing appearance.

“Bella.” He calls with open arms. I move forward with a smile, and he pecks my cheeks before his attention shifts to Daisy.

I see the confusion on his face, and I realize Ashley never told him about Daisy.

My smile falters, but he manages to get back to himself within a second before helping Daisy to her seat.

Ashley and Caleb got back from their honeymoon last night, and she called to invite me for dinner. Glad that I was still in New York; even though I was preparing to head back the same day, I had to stay back.

I didn't cross paths with Richard, and he didn't know I was still in New York.

Daisy plays with Ashley's hand, asking her question after question until she asks what honeymoon meant, and we all burst into laughter.

Before we can begin eating, I see a plate of food on the table and another chair next to me.

I wonder if we aren't the only ones dining with the newlyweds. As soon as red wine is brought, Caleb mutters. “He is running late again.”

Ashley laughs. “It is so unlike him.”

"I know you'll defend him. You were paid to do that, right?”Caleb feigns annoyance, and she laughs before moving close to kiss him.

“Of course not.”

I am in the dark. I don't even know what or who they are talking about, so I remain silent.

When Ashley catches my confused expression, she leans forward and clears her throat. “Bella, Caleb, and I have reached a decision about my job," she begins, smiling happily. “I'm quitting.”

“What? Why?!” I am surprised. I didn't see it coming. Well, I know being married changes a lot of things, but I never knew she would quit.

“Well, it's for the best. Caleb wanted me to quit for a long time, but I insisted on working till after the wedding,” she explains, still smiling, displaying how much of a consensus they have reached.

“Wow, so what do you intend to do next?” There's a reason why I advocate against women not working. This is the mistake that most women make, including me.

When I got married to Richard, I stopped working as a sales representative at Oceania Company. He told me to quit, and I did without question. I didn't bother to ask him why or if I would get a better job. I stayed at home, played the quiet role of a good wife, and I ended up on the streets with a divorce still.

“Well, I love fashion designing, so I was hoping to get a fashion house soon, but for now, I will start working from home till I have enough clients.”

Everything is already planned. Pride swells up in me, and I stretch my hand at her. “I'm so happy for you, Ashley.”

I'm glad I didn't use my predicament to discourage her from getting married to Caleb. There exists a sort of love and understanding between them that can overcome all odds.

Just like right now, he is staring at her with loving eyes, making me wonder if the honeymoon will still have to extend to New York.

“Thank you, Bella. You are a source of motivation, though,” she whispers in the last part. I don't need to question her to know what she means.

Before I can say another thing, someone walks in, his voice deep and familiar. “Sorry, I’m late. I was caught up in traffic.”


“Daddy?” Daisy gets up and rushes towards him, leaving me and the others with mouths agape.

“Daddy?” Ashley looks from me to Richard.


He grabs Daisy and spins her around until she begins to laugh hysterically. Ashley moves closer to me and asks. “Daisy? Daddy?”

I try to smile, but it comes out in a wince, as I feel the pain of having to bear the consequences of being tagged as his ex-wife. I never knew he was going to be here. If I knew, I wouldn't have come or better still come with Daisy.

"Daisy,"  I call, signaling for her to come over. “Sit down!”

She obeys, and I look up to give Ashley a smile. “Don't mind her.”

I am not providing any more answers than that. I wasn't prepared for this, and the only explanation I can come up with is that Daisy must have mistaken him for her biological father.

Ashley does not pry further, and I am glad.

Richard sits without acknowledging me. Perhaps he is mad at me for what I just did. Caleb, on the other hand, still looks puzzled.

“Hey, man. How was your honeymoon?” Richard demands with a small chuckle.

"You better find a woman quickly, or I will force you to go out by having you download a dating app on your phone," Caleb threatens, but he appears to be completely serious.

Richard isn't smiling like I thought he would. Ashley is staring at me in a weird way. If she knows, she will be greatly offended.

I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell her this.

“I already told you I was not interested. Let's eat; I'm famished,” Richard grabs the cutlery, and we begin to eat.

Caleb and Richard continue their conversation, discussing business and other topics, while Ashley and I eat in silence.

Daisy is quiet, even though she keeps trying to touch Richard. I glare at her, and she composes herself before concentrating on the food.

Caleb returns to the conversation about dating. “You should date someone, Richard. You are getting old. Forget the past and move on.”

Richard stops eating for a moment, then he continues. “I can't.”

“You can, and you will. I and Ashley will have to include you in my prayers. Light up a candle on your behalf so you can be yourself again. Don't be a pathetic man. That woman is no longer aware of your existence.

Ashley taps Caleb to stop him from badmouthing Richard's ex-wife, and I shut my eyes, knowing full well that Ashley is suspecting me already.


“When I said I couldn't date again, you were supposed to ask me why, not insist I do your bidding.” Richard's tone is filled with nothing but anger.

I glance at him.

Caleb asks. “Why?”

“Because I barely survived losing her once. I wouldn't be able to survive twice!”

“Daddy, why are you angry?” Daisy asks him with concern, and I close my eyes, placing my hand on her lap as a signal to stop talking.

Silence ensues.

Richard is not answering Daisy. When I open my eyes, Caleb is staring at Richard and Daisy, and Ashley is watching me, looking furious.

“Your ex-wife's name was Arabella, right?” Caleb demands abruptly, and my heart skips a beat.

Richard continues to eat, seemingly pretending that everything is fine. “Yeah. Arabel Cooper.”

Caleb turns to Ashley, who nods at me. “And she is Bella, right?”

Richard follows the direction of Caleb's finger, and our eyes interlock for a moment.

“Yes,” he replied. “Bella Portillo.”

As he answers, it is obvious he is filled with nothing but rage, but he is trying not to show it. So no one will know that we know each other or that he is Daisy's father.

“Did you tell Fernando Bella has a child?” Caleb questions his wife, whose face is all pale now, as she shakes her head. “Fernando wouldn't date a woman with a child, so you better tell him.”

Richard mutters unconsciously and loudly, "Good for him."

I am angry at Caleb's statement. I know he is just stating the obvious, but it sounds harsh coming from him.

“Back to you,” he says, pointing to Richard again. "You called Bella Arabel the other night at the party. You think I didn't hear that? Can you explain why you called your business partner your ex-wife's name?”

Richard stares at him for a while without saying a word. Finally, he blurts it out. “That was a slip of tongue.”

“Oh, really? You think I am a fool? Look at this girl. Look at her eyes, her hair, and her face. She looks just like you, and you still keep lying to our faces! What exactly do you take me for? I was with you when you almost committed suicide because of that woman. You finally healed, and I was doing everything in my power to ensure you moved on with your life. Now she is back, and all you can do is lie through your teeth and tell me…”

“Yes, he lied, and that is because I told him to. I told him that I didn't want anyone to know that we knew each other or that we had a past relationship.” I cut Caleb shut, preventing him from going any further.

He is placing all the blame on Richard, feeling enraged because Richard deceived him, despite the truth being starkly evident to all.

“What? You are his ex-wife?!” She exclaims in disbelief. “Daisy is Richard's? How? What…how?”

“Ashley.” I try to hold her hands, but she moves them away, and Caleb slumps back to his seat. “I’m sorry.”

“Oh my God!” She exclaims again, realization dawning upon her as she stares from me to Daisy and finally to Richard.

“I'm so sorry. I told him to pretend as if we didn't know each other. I know I should have told you, but I didn't for a reason…”

“Bella, for a reason?” Hurt is evident on her face as she stands up immediately. “Thank you for coming to dine with us. Goodnight.”

She runs out of the dinner, unable to hide her tears, and I look down, my eyes streaming with tears as well.

Caleb rises up and follows his wife, leaving Richard and me with Daisy.

I hear him get up and walk past me, and I begin to cry.

“Daddy, why is Mommy crying? Where are you going?”

He does not reply, and I don't look up to see what he is doing either. I feel like a betrayal. I feel like a bad person. Not only am I hiding my identity and the father of my child, but I also hid the truth from someone who trusted me with everything she has.

Ashley is a true friend. I didn't want to become friends with her because I was scared of betrayal.

Now, the roles have been reversed, with me occupying the chair of betrayal. Not only did I hide the truth from her, but I also lied through my teeth.

Finally, I lift my head up to see Richard picking Daisy up. He locks eyes with me, sadness enveloping his expression as he orders with implacable authority. “Meet us at home.”

With that said, he also leaves, just like the rest of them, and I break down into tears.

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