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Arabel's POV

Hyperventilating, I shoot up from my bed with a cold panic.


My heart is thumping wildly in my chest. Sweat poured all over me. My mouth dried in terror.

That nightmare. Again.

But this time, it is different. It is more dreadful, frightening, and scary. I was struggling in my sleep before I finally woke up.

This time, I saw his face.

I had never seen his face before. I only saw what he was doing. Until now, I never knew who was behind it. This time, not only did he point a gun at me, he also pointed a gun at Daisy, and finally, when someone rushed in to save us, he pointed a gun at him too.



Realizing my body is still shaking from the shock, I drape the duvet around me, grabbing my phone and flickering the bedside lamp on.

Hugging my body to myself as I shuddered once more, remembering vividly the nightmare this time. Frantically, I begin to search for a number.


Did I see Alex's face because I was thinking about him last night? For a moment, I was hoping and praying he wouldn't show up last night and ruin the little party Richard organized for me.

He knew my birth date, but I never allowed him to celebrate my birthday. He just took me out, and that was it.

It always reminded me of Richard. My birthdays. Richard never knew when my birthday was, and he never got me gifts either. When he asked me for a divorce, I was about to tell him my birthday was in a week, so he could at least get me a gift this time.

But a divorce was my gift, so I stopped looking forward to my birthdays until now. But now, he remembered my birthday. Not only that. He organized a little party for me.

Sometimes, it felt like he was a totally changed man, and he was trying everything possible to erase the bad memories while replacing them with good ones.

It makes warmth spread through me, but I always remind myself not to let myself be fooled once more.

I stop searching, but his name is already in view. My hands tremble as I debate giving him a call.

I'm sure he is still in London. The party ended really late, and I didn't bother to ask him to stay over. He left with Ashley and Caleb.

This is just 3 a.m. in the morning.
The other day, I called and woke him up at 2 in the morning. That was because there was a shootout, but this time, it is just a nightmare. It can wait.

After calming myself with a series of exhalations, I rise from the bed and stroll to check on Daisy in her room. She is sleeping soundly.

I was unable to go back to bed for fear of experiencing that horrible dream of Alex pulling the trigger after placing his Glock on my child's chest. After that, he shot Richard too, and finally me. That was when I woke up.

I was screaming. I was shouting. Pleading to him not to kill my child, but he did.

Now everything is making sense. Richard told me he can hurt us, but I defended him because Alex sees Daisy as his child, whereas she isn't. Definitely, he can hurt her and me.

I sigh and begin to make trips around the house till morning comes. I take a quick bath, apply a little makeup to cover the red bag under my eyes, and then take Daisy to school.

After dropping her off, instead of heading to work, I find myself driving to Bristol.

Arriving in Bristol as early as 8 a.m. makes me realize I don't even know why I decided to come here instead of calling him.

With ginger steps, I walk to his condo and tap rapidly on the door. There is silence for a while until I tap on the door again.

Suddenly, the door jerks open from behind, revealing a half-naked man.


In nothing but a white and blue towel draped around his waist, his wet hair dripped water down to his broad chest.


Unable to find my voice.

Unsure of what exactly to say for appearing on his doorway at 8 in the morning when I should be on my way to work.

My mouth hangs open instead.

With no word. Until he speaks,.

“Arabel?” He is surprised to see me. I'm surprised to be here, too.

Calling my name seems so easy for him.
The way it rolls out of his mouth, like he named me that, feels so natural. Sweet to the ears. And comforting.

For no reason, tears spring to my eyes. When he sees how glossy my eyes are, he drags me in, shutting the door behind me and bombarding me with questions.

“What happened? Are you okay? Is Daisy okay? Did you drive here? Where are you from?”

The numerous questions he asked, demonstrating his genuine concern, made me begin to cry.

I was scared. Damn scared.

That nightmare is still replaying itself in my head. I tried to wave it away, but it wouldn't go. It felt surreal, like it was going to happen any minute.

I was a victim of that nightmare. Daisy was there, as was Richard.

I am scared for us. Each and every one of us.

With no more questions, he pulls me into an embrace, which I find comforting. Nevertheless, more tears roll down my eyes as I begin to wonder what Alex would gain from doing that.

I really do not want to believe it can happen, but the surreality of the dream keeps making panic course through me. It keeps tugging at my heart, making my eyes ticklish with fresh tears.

I don't know how long I stand there in his arms, but when I am sober, he pulls me fully into the house, helping me to a seat as he bends down on one knee with a handkerchief in one hand and a glass of water in another.

Carefully, he wipes my tears. There are creases of worry on his forehead, and I can see how much he is holding back from asking me to spill.

I can see how much concern is skating his expression. And how much he is willing to protect me?


When my face is dry, he moves the glass of water to my lips, and I take it. It sort of relieved some of my internal tension.

After a moment of watching me to be sure I am now in the right frame of mind to answer any of his questions, he demands. “What happened?”

For the first time since I left home with the sole resolve to come see him, even though I know it is my way of knowing if he is fine and that dream hasn't come to reality, I feel foolish.

I can't believe I drove all the way here.

I can't believe I left Daisy at the school and came here to check on him.

I can't believe I risked my life to come here when I should have just called him to know how he was faring.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Just because he threw a wonderful surprise party for me last night doesn't mean I have to care so much about him.

Another part of me mutters. ‘He is your baby's father. It's normal to care about him once in a while.

And I nod in agreement.

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