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Arabel's POV

My heels click against the marble floor as I walk down the hall, dressed in a flamboyant black gown and stiletto heels.

Although it shouldn't mean anything, it does.

For Fernando.

Ashley was right. She wasn't entirely correct when she suggested that I should enter another relationship, but she was correct when she suggested that I should find someone who could assist me in forgetting my past.

Not only that. Giving me such an idea brought another brilliant thought into my head.

I was Richard's ex. He claimed to love me. How delightful would it be for him to witness me in a relationship with someone else? Not just any man, but Fernando.

I saw the way he was filled with rage at the bachelor's party. I also remember how he always stared at Alex with clenched jaws because he thought we were together.

Jealousy always swept through him whenever he saw me with a man.

The elevator takes me up to the second floor, where Fernando is waiting for me at the restaurant. He might consider this a date, but I don't.

When the elevator opens, I see him immediately. He is standing and looks nervous. Suddenly, his face breaks into a smile when he sees me approaching him.

“Hi,” I wave with a light smile.

“Hey, you look amazing,” he compliments, rushing over to help me with the chair.

"Thank you," I say, sitting quietly, glancing around to see that there are only a few people around here.

The restaurant looks classy.

When he flips back into his seat, we stare at each other in silence, both smiling. I am smiling because I have no choice.

Fernando is a good guy, obviously. Ashley won't stop praising him. Caleb asked Richard to be his best man instead of him because he didn't know if he would make it.

Caleb and Fernando are best friends. From what I've seen of Caleb, he seems to be good and true to Ashley. I respect him.

But I can't.

I don't like Fernando that way. I don't think I can ever feel any sort of attraction for him when I haven't felt anything for over two weeks that we have been communicating.

I know his intentions, but I am not interested.

Isn't it high time I told him that? I know I tagged along all this time just to please Ashley and to annoy Richard, but I feel guilty, and I don't want to lead him on until it is too late to back out.

This is not a relationship. Friendship is the only thing I can promise anyone at the moment.

“You look breathtaking, Bella,” he mutters again, staring at me intensely.

“Thank you,” I say with another smile before taking the menu he is passing to me.

We order, and the waiter disappears, leaving us in silence again. Over the phone, Fernando is never speechless. He says nice things about me, throws jokes around well enough to make me laugh, and asks me questions about my company.

I don't ask him anything about his personal life or work. This is because I don't want anyone to do the same because I will be evasive about giving an answer.

I don't know what Ashley told him or what he knows, but I am glad he doesn't go past asking about the company and my work.

When I realize he is still staring at me, I wave my hand in front of him to pull him back to life.

He jerks backward and smiles faintly.

“Are you ok?” I ask, to be sure everything is fine.

“Yes, yes, yes!” He chants calmly. “It's hard to take my eyes off you. You are beautiful…”

“You complimented me already, Fernando.” I laugh briefly, and he nods in affirmation. The orders arrive, and we eat in silence.

On two occasions, I catch him staring, but he looks away as soon as our eyes interlock, making me smile with a shake of the head.

I wonder how he is going to feel when I tell him my intentions not to contact each other anymore after tonight.

The divorce between Richard and I had a significant impact on my relationships with other men. It still does, but I think I am better than I used to be.

I hated that gender.

I dreaded them.

Coming into contact with one after Richard always leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth and nothing but contempt in my eyes.

I view them to be the same. The same stupid and irresponsible fools who always betray us after they are done using us to their satisfaction.

Not anymore. Though I still don't know if I can have the heart to love a man again someday.

Wiping my mouth with the serviette, a cold hand grabs me, making a shiver dart down my spine in fright.

It is Fernando's hands.


“Bella, I know this might feel too early or too soon, but I can't help but fall head over heels for you,” he says carefully, like someone who has rehearsed the line over and over again. “You are a beautiful woman. You are strong and independent. You are the exact type of woman I would want to be with and spend the rest of my life with.”

I shake my head.

If I am not independent, I can never be his type, right?

Even if he had a bit of a chance, his statement has ruined it.

I release my hand from his grip carefully before sitting upright and doing my best to reject him without any hassle. I doubt if Ashley told him I am a single mother. A man like him won't hesitate to take back his words if he knows.

He is seeking a perfect woman, and I am far from perfect. I am undoubtedly not that woman. Not the type of woman he desires for a life partner.

“I know it's too soon,” he repeats again. “But I can't wait any more. We've only met for two weeks, but it feels like I have known you for years, and I believe we are meant for each other.”

Meant for each other?

I almost scowled.

Slowly, with nervousness all over him, he reveals a tiny box, which he opens almost immediately, as though he would never summon up the courage to do so if he is a minute late.

“I like you so much, Bella, and I would love you to be my girlfriend.” He demands, stretching the box to me again to reveal the beautiful diamond necklace.

His words. The gifts. His sincerity.

None of them are getting to me. I just sit there numb with emotions, as though I am just one of the audience and not one of the characters.

I saw this coming, but I never knew he was going to do this soon. I didn't want to lead him on, but it turned out I had already.

Fernando is a good-looking guy with his light eyes, chiseled jaws, and golden blonde hair. But I don't feel attracted to him, and I don't want to.

When his smile falters because I am not saying a quick yes like he thinks I will, I realize I need to respond soon before he bursts out impatiently.

I open my mouth to reply to him, trying so hard to sound like I have given it a deep thought, but someone cuts me short.

“No, she won't. She can't be your girlfriend!”

It sounds familiar. Before I can turn to see the face of the intruder, my heart stirs, and I have already figured out who it must be.

Fernando’s smile drops as he looks up at Richard, anger controlling his expression.

Slowly, I turn to see him taking a step closer to me. My gaze fell upon him, and for an instant, we locked eyes.

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