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Arabel's POV

His cold blue eyes flash in front of me as he pulls the door open to see me. The anger from yesterday is still boiling within me as I raise my hand in the air and strike him in the face.

No surprise. No pain.
No emotion.

I stare at him, my heart beating twice its normal rate, as he continues to watch me with his unwavering gaze.

Suddenly, guilt settles inside of me.

I was extremely mad at him. Coming over there and answering Fernando on my behalf was a sign that we knew each other even more. After I told him I didn't want people to know, he had the guts to ruin that moment.

What gave him the right to come over and act like I have no say over my life? If I wanted to date him, his opinions would never matter.

Fernando is a good man, I am sure of that. He is someone I can date without any regrets when all Richard has ever done is hurt me.

If I hadn't vowed to myself, his actions are enough for me to accept Fernando, just to spite him, but I wouldn't dare.

Once bitten, twice shy.

I wouldn't venture into another loveless relationship like I did with Richard. I was in love with him, but in this case, Fernando is the one in love, not me.

“Do you want to come in?” His questions break into my thoughts, making me furrow my brows.

I just hit him, didn't I? Then why is he asking me to come in?

Before I can tell him no, he grabs my hand and pulls me in before closing the door and standing in front of me with his hands in his pants pocket.

This is when I realize he is shirtless.

His well-built body and muscles are on display. As I dart my eyes around to avoid catching him staring, something draws my attention.

A black dot that looks like a tattoo is very close to his armpit.

As if knowing I am staring, he walks past me, grabs a shirt, and puts it over his head. He isn't saying a word and I am furious with myself for allowing my anger to dissipate so quickly.

I was so angry that I couldn't hold it in. I couldn't even sleep; I had to come here so I could tell him not to ever interfere in my life again.

I didn't intend to slap him. But seeing those lovely eyes of his, which remind me of the past I thought I had long buried, made me hit him in the face.

“If this is about what happened yesterday, then I am not sorry,” he finally mutters, unapologetically.

“What?!” I move forward. “How dare you? What gave you the right to interfere? Who do you think you are?!”

“Your ex-husband is the father of your child and your only friend. Every other man wants something from you…”

A second slap hits his face. Then another and another.

He just insulted me. Men want something from me? What the hell?!

When I stop, with my chest heaving, I see a flash of hurt cross his expression. Just because I agreed to be his friend doesn't give him the right to act like a hero when he's not even needed.

If I knew, perhaps I would have kept my secret to myself for at least another year. If I hadn't admitted to being Arabel, he wouldn't dare do what he did yesterday at noon.

After my assault on his cheeks, I swivel around to leave, but a strong pull has me twirling around and falling into his arms, his hard body encircling me.

One hand is on my waist, and the other is holding my right hand up in the air. My face is a few inches away from him,, and he opens his mouth as if to say something while his breath washes down my senses.

I shut my eyes and grit my teeth.


That breathe.


A shiver runs down my spine and my body begins to tremble. I can't believe he is doing this to me.

“I'm sorry,” he mutters with a sardonic smile.

I shake my head. “No, you are not.”

I try to wriggle my hand away from his hold, but he doesn't allow it. He continues to hold me still in position, his grip on my waist firmer, making me raise a brow in question.

“I won't let you go until you believe that I am sorry,” he insists gently, with a flash of a wicked glint in his eyes.

"You're not. You just said it. You don't regret what you did. If you don't regret it, then it means your apology is insincere.” I snap, tempted to spit in his face; maybe that will make him let go.

I pant, trying to calm my nerves. He continues to stare at me without saying a word. Just when I thought he would never get to say anything else, he speaks.

“I love it when you shout at me, Arabel.”

“What?!” My eyes blink in disbelief.

A wide grin spread across his face. “I love this fiery part of you. It makes me want to do things…”

“Richard!” I am amazed. Richard was never like this. I didn't want to hear him speak because I was afraid of what his comments would do to me. “Shut the hell up and listen to me.”

He lets go of my right hand, but the other is still on my waist. Instead of releasing the firm grip, he pushes me forward, my chest nearly slamming into his.

I close my eyes again; the resolve to warn and threaten him has gone into thin air. I breathe out air, hoping to be able to say something without melting under his intense gaze.

When I flick my eyes open, there is a hint of amusement on his face.

“Just because I agreed for us to be friends doesn't give you the right…”

“Are you this mad at me because of Fernando?” He cut me short, irritating me to the core. “You have no idea who he is. If you do, you will thank me from now till the end of time.”

“You are crazy!”

“Crazy for you!” He retorts back sharply, as if expecting that remark from me.

“Richard, what the hell is wrong with you?!”



Finally, he lets go and turns his broad back on me with his hands akimbo. His shoulders are tense and rigid, and he doesn't say anything.

This is an opportunity for me to go out like I intended to earlier, but I stay, waiting for him to say what this is all about.

Ashley can't be wrong about Fernando, can she?

Why am I bothering myself about this when I don't even intend to date him?


“It's Bella!”

Silence falls again.

He whirls around, anger visible in his expression. “Why Bella and not Arabel?”

“Because Arabel is long dead!”

“What?! Can you even hear yourself out? First it was me, and now Arabel? Whether you lie to yourself or not, you are still Arabel. Stop pretending to be someone else for everyone. There is no use!”

I glare at him coldly, and he sighs. “I am sorry, but you should stop doing that. You are Arabel, not someone else.”

“What do you mean by what you said about me knowing who Fernando really is. What is that supposed to mean?” This is my concern. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't.

“Trust me, Arabel. He is not the man you think he is. I don't have the full picture, but it is obvious he is a fake…”

Laughter erupts from my throat. So this is all based on his assumptions, not facts.


“Arabel, you need to believe me. I know what I am saying.”

“Once again, you have no right to tell me who to date, meet, or be friends with. Let our past remain in the past, ok?”

He doesn't reply, so I turn back to leave when his voice stops me.


Arabel. Bella. They both sound different coming from him. He knows how best to call me Arabel. And Bella as well.

After all, they are the same.

My refusal for him to keep calling me Arabel is because of our past. It brings back the memories. He refers to me by that name, as if I held significance to him, even though I didn't.

Forgetting everything is simply impossible.

“Do you intend to accept to be his girlfriend?” That tone sends thrills shooting up my spine. The jealousy in it. The desire. Everything I used to crave from him.

The question says it all.

Even though I don't intend to accept Fernando or any other man, I turn back to face Richard squarely with a smile that reaches my eyes. “Of course.”

“You can't!” His deep voice reverberated firmly and loudly. His eyes rake over me as he steps closer, making me turn back quickly with the intention of running out.

“Watch me.” I reach for the door, but his voice stops me again from pulling it open as he shouts.

“I love you. Don't you see? I am in love with you. I love you, Arabel. I love you, Bella. I love you!”

Goosebumps pepper my skin.

I stand shocked, with my hand still on the doorknob and my mouth trembling with fear and a mixture of anger.

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