3... brave princess

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Chapter Three

Running is immediately what they did after they realized there was someone else with them on Earth, someone who Ivy didn't find very welcoming considering they used Jasper as their first and only warning. For what they were warning them about, Ivy didn't know, but clearly they didn't appreciate the new arrivals. Besides the fact that they were forced to leave Jasper behind, what clouded Ivy's thoughts were how the hell were they supposed to survive someone with aim like that? Fleeing the scene almost felt pointless when strength and accuracy was a clear advantage against them. No one could throw a spear like that without intense skill and practice.

Dodging trees and fallen branches, Ivy's hand grasped Octavia's tightly as they each pulled the other to keep running when the other started to fall behind. The pain that shot up her leg each time she pounded against the forest floor burned Octavia's muscles, but with all the adrenaline coursing through her and the help of her friend, she was managing to keep up with the rest of the group.

Ivy knew that Octavia was scared, and desperately wanted nothing more than to go back and at least try and save Jasper, Ivy did, too. But there was nothing they could do for him without ending up like him; dead.

Monty was in front of everyone, suffering the most from the horror of seeing a spear go right into his best friend's chest like every else did. He was in the same predicament of wanting to go back for his friend but he was just as terrified as the rest of them. They were no match against this newfound enemy, they didn't even have to see it to know that.

He'd been too frantic to escape that his foot got caught on a tree root and he went tumbling down on the ground. He groaned from the impact, slowly opening his eyes to see that his body landed less than a foot in front of a pile of skull and bones.

His eyes widened at the sight, frozen in shock while his eyes were glued to the spine-chilling remains. Finn and Ivy pulled him up so he was on his feet once again. "Come on, Monty, get up."

Clarke scanned her eyes over the bones carefully in confusion. Whoever these people were, they'd been here for a long time. Long enough for their bodies to decay to the bone. Everything that they thought they knew about the Earth was proving to be terribly wrong in so many ways. "Who are they?" Finn asked through pants from all the running they'd done. This was the first time they'd stopped for what felt like miles, when in reality, they hadn't gone that far at all.

Picking up the skull from the dirt, Clarke shook her head, unable to provide an answer. By the looks of it, this skull was hardly even human. The shape was all wrong. It didn't look to be anything she'd ever seen before. "What are they?"

Octavia threw her head back and groaned. She was tired, in pain, and scared. "We are so screwed." She grumbled. That was putting it lightly.

Suddenly, all of their heads turned as they heard a distant scream. It could only belong to Jasper— at least that's what they hoped.

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