26... how did we get here

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Chapter Twenty-Six

It was a mystery how Ivy Ainsworth had fallen asleep.

The last thing that she remembered was witnessing the explosion at the drop ship. Raven must've figured out how to use configure the wiring so they could use all that rocket fuel, giving them the big advantage over the Grounders that would ultimately win them the war. Because of that, Ivy decided to wait out the fire as it engulfed everything around it. She figured that it was possible that some people could have survived and escaped camp before the blast and it would be a good idea for her to be around to cross paths with them if that were the case. If not, she hoped to at least be able to be there when they opened the doors again, so she wasn't completely and utterly alone. Her main hope was that Bellamy was amongst them.

She'd pondered over searching for Octavia and Lincoln, but they were long gone and Lincoln had made sure not to leave a trail. Not like it would've mattered anyways, she was no tracker like Finn. It helped give her some peace of mind knowing that Octavia was safe under Lincoln's protection. If it really came down to it, Ivy would try her best to find them again, but she knew her odds were better if she stayed in one place.

Even though she was far enough from the camp to have been safe from the explosion, Ivy knew that she still had to be wary of straggling Grounders that may have been wandering the woods. It's the reason why she'd tried to avoid falling asleep, not wanting to leave herself vulnerable to an attack. She'd pinched her thigh to shake herself awake each time she felt her head tip with sleep heavy upon her shoulders. She even went as far as digging the tip of her knife into her skin, not quite hard enough to draw blood, but enough to use the pain to keep her from drifting off again. Clearly, it hadn't worked.

She'd been so distraught, the thought of Bellamy being caught in the fiery blaze nearly breaking her down, fiber by fiber. She wanted to deny the possibility of such ever happening, but the voice in her head kept questioning her faith in him being alive. It was almost like her subconscious was trying to prepare her for the worst, but she was ignoring every protective protocol her body had in place for her. If Bellamy Blake did not survive, Ivy would feel a pain like no other. It would be agony, it would be death, it would be what killed her if it wasn't the Grounders who got to her first.

And yet, that seemed to be the route she wanted to go by because Ivy had fallen asleep and she had put herself at risk of being murdered by Grounders. Her body lay curled up at the ground with tears staining her cheeks and sweat and grime coating her skin. It shouldn't have been so easy for her to sleep when everything felt like it could come crashing down on her at any moment. But somehow, at some point, she'd drifted off against her will. It was a miracle that she'd made it until morning.

Slowly blinking at the sun shining down on her, Ivy wished it all had just been a dream and Bellamy was lying next to her in his tent with nothing to come between them.

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