7... i hold the knife

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Chapter Seven

Ivy woke in confusion. She wasn't in the drop ship, and surprisingly, she wasn't outside, considering she would've thought she dropped right to the ground and fallen asleep since the events of the night before had exhausted her. Instead of those two things, Ivy was in a tent, and despite sleeping on the ground, it was shockingly comfortable. All tents basically look the same inside of them, but Ivy knows that Bellamy's is the biggest one, and he's the only one who has a blanket made of panther fur. Her suspicions are confirmed when she heard soft breaths beside her and she slowly turned her head to see Bellamy in a deep slumber.

She didn't remember sleeping in his tent? It's certainly not her usual place of sleep though it would be nice if it was since it's definitely better than the drop ship. But this feels like Ivy is crossing a line that she shouldn't be and that's what is making her feel so uneasy. She and Bellamy don't share spaces like this together and they definitely don't sleep together. The night in the cave was an exception because of their situation, not because they preferred it that way.

And Ivy's not dumb, she knows that Bellamy's slept with other girls in the camp. He'd been busy that first night she and Octavia had left the camp. That was information she hadn't sought out but ultimately received when she heard the details about it being gossiped by the girls in question. A little too detailed if you asked her.

That's what makes the predicament Ivy has awoken to all the more complicated as she realizes all of the speculations that this would bring up if people in the camp knew about it. They would think she and Bellamy were sleeping together and news would travel back to Octavia, and then they'd have a whole mess on their hands.

Her thoughts continue to spiral, so much so that Ivy feels an actual headache coming on. She clutches her forehead and winces at the pain, and meanwhile, Bellamy's still sound asleep next to her. He's peaceful when he sleeps, almost like he hadn't just had to end his friend's life less than a week prior. Ivy probably wouldn't have gotten a good sleep if she could've slept and woken up without amnesia. Whatever happened to her last night had gotten her to sleep through the night without fail.

As Bellamy released an especially loud sigh in his sleep, Ivy took great notice in the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt. His tanned skin and broad chest were on full display, attracting Ivy's eyes for a good moment as she dragged her gaze down his figure without shame.

She was still fully clothed which was a great consolation for her. She didn't think she and Bellamy would've done anything, but the fact that she isn't naked is something she'll take as confirmation of that. Ivy knows herself and if she was as out of it as she seemed to be last night, then she definitely wouldn't have put in the effort to put her clothes back on.

The last thing Ivy wants is for Bellamy to wake up before she has a chance to get out of there, and so she plans her escape. Slowly and as carefully as possible, she peeled the blanket off of her and tried to sit up. Her movements are frozen when Bellamy stirred in his sleep, forcing his tired eyes to stay closed with a couple of groans in protest.

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