12... this home is cold

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Chapter Twelve

When Ivy was fourteen (and a bit of a drama queen from time to time if you asked Bell), her time was mainly spent with the Blakes. Once she'd finished all her chores and done her homework, with the Blake's is where she always was. The amount of things to do in their room was limited, but they did whatever they could to keep Octavia inside where no one could find her. It was difficult sometimes, there was only so much that they could do to keep her entertained, but they tried their best. Having Ivy there helped Octavia get a little taste of the outside world, and it made her feel like she could live vicariously through her. They could spend hours just talking with each other. Ivy was always the one who Octavia could come to as not only a friend, but a sister.

She gave her the old/new issues of magazines that she would borrow from the Ark library to show her all the past trends on Earth and the currents ones on the Ark and she taught Octavia various braids that were popular at the time to do on herself whenever Ivy or Bellamy wasn't there to keep her from dying of boredom.

That was how memories were made, and that was how Ivy found herself clinging onto them, like they were her lifeline. There was never anybody else; no real friends, none like Bell and O.

Despite being in a room meant for two but inhabiting three and hosting an extra fourth person, Bellamy found no problem with giving Octavia a piggy-back ride around while pretending they were traveling through a mystical fairytale land. He was the best at making a small room feel big. He had a way of keeping Octavia's mind off of the world outside and maintaining her focus on the world she could create in their little home. It worked, but it wasn't a long term solution.

The girl giggled uncontrollably as she clung to her brother; her arms wrapped around him tightly so she wouldn't fall, but Bellamy would never let that happen anyways. Ivy was perched on Bellamy's bed, the top bunk where she had a perfect view of the two as she sipped from her water. Aurora was sat with her needles, thread, and fabric, tending to the uniform for the head guard who was expecting it soon.

Letting out tired pants from the who knows how many laps he'd made around the room with a little girl on his back, Bellamy set Octavia down on her feet to take a small break. However, Octavia wasn't tired, she wanted another ride and Bellamy wasn't one to let her down, which she took advantage of quite frequently.

"I want another pony ride!" She exclaimed to her brother, her hands clasped together as she looked up at him pleadingly.

Bellamy raised his brow and breathed out in disbelief. "You want another one?"

"Yeah, Bell, one more round. Jungle this time, or maybe, forest." There was a glint in Ivy's eyes as she smiled down at him from her cross-legged position on his mattress.

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